December 18, 2023

I have heard you - Bro. T. Stephen

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all early this morning on this day, December 18th, through this daily Auspicious message. May God bless you. Let us read Exodus 3:7 “I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows.”

The Lord says He has seen your oppression. After seeing it, God is not going to keep quiet. The Bible says, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.” On Mt Moriah Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac. But as the Lord was watching the trouble coming towards Isaac as the chords of death, at the right time He stopped it. When his father raised his hands to strike him with a knife, the Lord called out, “Abraham, Abraham!” When the father, Abraham heard this he stood stunned. “Do not lay your hand on the boy.” God saw the trouble that was coming towards Isaac and did not want his life to be destroyed. He desired to give him a life, He spoke to the father and stopped it. Because the Lord saw. The father declared “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.” The son asked, “Where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” “On the mountain of the LORD, it will be provided.” “God will provide.” According to this faith, in the place of Isaac at the right time, God provided a ram which was caught in a thicket by its horns to make amends. To protect him, God had kept an alternative. Today to rescue you from your troubles, God has an alternative solution. To protect you from this trouble, God has a remedy on the side. “On the mountain of the LORD, it will be provided.” Because when God sees your troubles, He will take care of them. Beloved children of God, their cry was heard. Sometimes people come here for prayers with big problems. Terrible pain, suffering, humiliation, and punishment due to false accusation.

When people come with such pain, and when we take it to the Lord what usually God reveals through me is, “Till yesterday this was your problem, but now as you have brought it to the Lord’s presence, it has become the Lord’s problem.” This is how the Lord encourages them. And just as the Lord declared, He has taken it as His problem and brought a respite from the problem. Today whatever the trouble may now tell the Lord, “Lord I have this problem, unknowingly I got caught in this conflict, unknowingly I got entangled in this unwanted relationship, unknowingly I got involved in this friendship, unknowingly I fell into this sin. Lord help me in this issue.” As you pray the Lord will make haste to deliver you. The Lord hears the cry of your heart. He sees your problem and hears your cry. Today the Lord’s ears and eyes have looked upon your heart’s cry and He will perform a miracle. He is a very compassionate God. A very loving God. He heard the cries of the Israelites, saw their troubles, and liberated them by taking them from Egypt to Canaan. In the coming New Year, He is going to take you out of your Egyptian experiences into Canaan. For this, the Lord has started working towards it from today. Hence stand in faith, many good things are going to happen. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment. After which He will perform wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. Your own eyes will witness this and not another.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You have heard the cry of my children, You have seen their troubles, You know their agony. Give them relief from their troubles. Lord bring an end to all this. For the years that they saw sorrow, pain, troubles, and shame let them be compensated with joy. Come Lord and make my children happy. The troubles that have gone beyond what they can bear, beyond their expectations, hasten to liberate them from it. Let all the Egyptian experiences come to an end and prepare my children to enter the new Canaan. In the remaining days of this month, let my children sanctify and purify themselves and in the New Year with new ideas, new thoughts, and new expectations, with a new body, soul, and spirit let my children leave to experience Canaan. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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