November 25, 2019

Horn Of Salvation - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that   God   has   given   for  you  today  is  from the book of  Luke 1:74,75, “ To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, Might serve Him without fear, In Holiness and righteousness, before  Him all the days of our life.”

My dear brothers and Sisters, from the above context we understand, that the God of Israel, has raised up a horn of Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ,  to redeem the people from the hands of our enemies. The enemy indicates the devil who constantly fights against us. The devil caused Eve to sin against God as a result both   Adam and Eve lost  the  form of godliness, and also lost the connection they had with God. They lost the wonderful experience of moving with God, in the Garden of Eden because they deceived them easily to sin against God.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, you too might be easily deceived by satan to commit some mistake and go far away from God. The Bible says, “Your iniquities have separated you, from your God.  And your sins have hidden His face from you so that   He will not hear.’’ Therefore you ought to be careful not to sin against   God.  God therefore sent His only begotten son that whoever believed in his name shall not perish but be saved. He came to save all those who are caught up in sin and shame. Hence decorate your hearts, rather than your house with good deeds. Be pure, holy and perfect in all that you do. Never do that which is displeasing to God.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the gospel shows that we were once utterly in the dark but the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ appeared to give light to those that sit in the darkness. It is reviving. It brings light to those that sit in the shadow, of death as condemned prisoners, in the dungeon. It is to direct and guide our feet , in the way of peace. The above verses  refers to the Promise of God, regarding His mercy, His covenant, and oath.  The prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of  Christ  saying , “’ For unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given. And the government shall be upon His shoulder. His   name   will   be  called  wonderful,   Counselor,   Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Thus Christ came into this world to deliver us from all our enemies both worldly and spiritually.

Prayer:  Our  loving  heavenly Father,  we thank  You for this blessed day.   Thank You Lord for sending Your son Jesus Christ into this world to deliver us from all our enemies and redeem us from sin and shame. Help us to come out of darkness into that marvellous Light. Teach us to serve the Lord without fear in Holiness and Righteousness.

In Jesus name we pray.


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