August 3, 2018
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 34:5, “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame”. All these days, when a small problem arose, you would have been thinking to whom you could go to, to solve your problem. My dearly beloved, Our Lord is the only one to whom you can approach under any circumstance, however complicated your situation may be because He is the only one who can give you the right answer.
Dearly beloved, I would like to share a testimony that took place in my life. One day when I returned home after my ministry at about 11’o’ clock, I freshened up and sat to have my dinner. A sudden severe pain struck my abdomen. The pain was too severe that I was unable to even stand up. I had never experienced such pain ever before. Later, I was rushed to the hospital. There were too many patients in line before me. The doctors had to attend to them before attending to me. I could not bear the pain all that while. Till that moment, I thought that the doctor might do some treatment and I would be fine. But at the time, the doctors were too busy to attend to me. That was when I suddenly placed my hands on the sides of my lower abdomen and looked up to heaven and cried out to the Lord saying “Lord I am unable to bear this pain. It hurts a lot”. Instantly I heard the voice of the Lord telling me “Son, I am not able to bear you say these words”. At that moment, I felt like someone was pushing me to the washroom. When I went and passed urine, a stone came out and then I was relieved from my pain. I was then made to take a scan just to check if everything was alright. The doctors were amazed about what had happened. When I looked up to the Lord and cried out for help, He performed an instant miracle.
My dear brothers and sisters Psalms 121:2 says, “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth”. Whenever you face any difficult situation in life and call unto the Lord, He will attend to you no matter what. However complicated your situation may be, you might also not know whom to go to for help, just call upon the name of Jesus, He will come to you. You will receive an instant miracle.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blesses day. Lord, when I cried for help, knowing the pain that I was going through, You came to my aid. I pray that when Your children cry out to You for help, may You help them and deliver them from their difficulties. May Your grace be upon them all the days of their lives. May You bless them. Father, I pray that You may heal Your children from any illness that they are going through. May You be with them. In Jesus name we pray,