May 25, 2019

Good Things - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus  Christ our Lord.  The blessed  word  that God has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of  Jeremiah 31:14 “I will satisfy the priests with abundance and My People will be filled with My bounty.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,   from the above context we understand that God will satisfy the needs of His people. The Bible says, God, scattered Israel, throughout the land. Therefore He knows where to find them. It is clear and comfortable to observe the goodness of the Lord regarding the gifts of Providence. God promises to satisfy His people with His loving kindness. God further promises to bless the priests, by giving success in their ministry and letting them see the fruit of their labor, and make them rejoice. Hence the priests of the Jews after the captivity kept the feast, of the dedication of the temple with joy. The Bible says The Lord had made the people joyful. And the people were satisfied with the Lord’s goodness.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Bible says, that there would be no manner of trouble and affliction in those times among the people. Thus the Lord met the needs of the priests. In the same way, the Lord wants to satisfy the needs of His children. God wants to bless you with all good things. We see that many people do not have sound sleep. This is because they are controlled by the evil spirit. Satan does not permit them to live in peace and harmony. Satan wants to make them mad, and let them suffer in their normal lives. They would behave in a peculiar manner and if questioned they would say, they did not have proper sleep the previous night. Such people would not be able to do anything correctly. Sleep is essential to maintain a healthy life. To sleep well you need the grace of God.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, do you have proper sleep? Are you worried about the issues of your family?  Is something worrying you and are you not able to come out of it. The Bible encourages us to put our trust in God as an assurance of peaceful resting. If you are troubled by worries then your sleep will be disturbed. For worries prevent you from sleeping.  So you need to cast your anxieties upon the love and sovereignty of God.  When deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, they see dreams and visions at night.  Once when Jesus spoke about Lazarus of Bethany to his disciples, He said,  “Our friend Lazarus sleeps. But I go that I may awake him up.” But the disciples of Jesus said, to him, “ Lord if he sleeps, he will get better.”Yes if you sleep well you will get better.” Sound sleep provides sufficient rest during the night as we recover our energy, to take on the next day. David in his Psalms says, “ I lie down and sleep. I awake again Because the Lord sustains me.”He says, In peace, I will lie down and sleep,  for you alone Lord make me dwell in safety.”  God bless you.


 Our loving heavenly   Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank you for telling us of the importance of sound sleep.  We also thank you for giving us rest through deep sleep. Remove all our worries and troubles that cause distress and disturb our sleep. Give us the grace to sleep well so that we may have a healthy life. In Jesus name, we pray.


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