February 24, 2019

God’s Tabernacle - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that   God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from Psalm 84:1, “How lovely is your Tabernacle. O Lord of hosts! Even your   altars,   O Lord of Hosts,   My King   and My God”.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters , we see how the psalmist  David,  says, How lovely is your tabernacle! David actually seemed to have written this psalm when he was forced by his son Absalom’s rebellion to quit the city. And David lamented over his absence from the city as it spoiled the harmony of his communion with God. Divine worship were performed in the tabernacle   as it was the dwelling place of God. The Holy of  Holies, the holy place, the altar of incense, the altar of burnt offering.

My Dear Brothers  and  Sisters , today we see a mad rush after lovely things of this world.  But the Psalmist says, “How lovely is Your tabernacle.! Yes when  such people  who go after the things of this world suddenly get entangled  with  the snare of this world. At such times people approach the holy tabernacle. The only place that  can solve ones  problem. If there is a place of refuge for the sick   and the diseased   then it is the  tabernacle. David was  left alone feels  so distressed . Sometimes we are left alone to face the challenges  in life. You too might be facing similar situation in your life. You might have been rejected by everyone. And therefore you are looking out for a city of refuge. Then  I earnestly request you to approach the tabernacle. If one approaches the tabernacle   he  will  experience  the  goodness  of God in his life. Never forget that God is in control of your life. He will lift you up from the miry clay and set your feet upon the rock. He will put a new song in your mouth and all your crooked ways, shall be straightened.

God will raise you out of your lowly position and lift you out of the ash heap and enable you to sit along with  the princes. This indicates that God will elevate your position to a better status in life. Therefore don’t lose your hope in God. He is a God who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Believe in this God and you will find a great change in your life.

God bless you.


Our   loving   heavenly Father,   we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for revealing to us the  greatness of the tabernacle of God. Help us to approach the tabernacle when we are in trouble.   May we experience the  holiness of Your  Sanctuary,  Revive our hearts, mind and soul. Teach us to experience  the  relationship  with  God and commune with Him each day of our life.  In Jesus name we pray.


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