January 8, 2020

God’s Favour - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book Hosea 12:4 “Yes He struggled with the Angel, and prevailed. He wept and sought favour from Him. He found Him in Bethel. And there He spoke to us.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, we learn that Jacob wrestled with the Angel of God until the breaking of the day. God said to him, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have struggled with God and men and prevailed.”Thus Jacob found God at Bethel. He was Jehovah the same, that was and is and is to come. It was a revelation of God Himself, to His chosen, one Jacob. And since he wept in prayer to God, he not only obtained the blessing of God, but also deliverance from his brother Esau, as well as others respecting him and his posterity.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  The Bible says,  God appeared to  Jacob again, when he came from Paddan Aram, and blessed him. And there Jacob not only found God, but also spoke with  Him.  Jesus wants to speak with you through this message.  Are you willing to submit yourself to Him, and then you too will receive the blessings from God as Jacob received. God not only met Jacob but also watched over his doings. God looked over his actions. Today God is watching your actions carefully. Not only watches over you but also understands you and knows the need of your life.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  Jacob was a dweller of tents. He was his mother’s favourite. While Esau his eldest brother was his father, (Isaac’s) favourite son. For he hunted in the forest and cooked delicious dishes for his father. Jacob was a humble man. At the appointed time his parents decided to send him away,  to his uncle’s place to make his living.   He was old enough to leave his parents and so he had to stand on his own feet and not depend on his parents any further.   Moreover he had taken away all the blessings from his father Isaac and not one was left over for Esau. So his brother took revenge on him and decided to kill Jacob. Fearing his brother he left his father’s place.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jacob’s parents wanted him to make his livelihood, at his uncle’s place. So they called him and blessed him. For they did not give him money or wealth or property to start his living. Usually their occupation was sheep rearing.  Jacob was content with the blessing of his parents. He realised his responsibility as a young man and left to his uncle   Laban’s house. He was left all alone to meet his   future so he totally depended on God Yahweh.  On his way he found God at Bethel, and wrestled with Him, and prevailed.  Therefore God blessed him. He went with the blessings of his parents to his uncle’s house and God showed favour to him in all that he did and he prospered. 

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, there are many youngsters reading this message today. You desire to do well in life. You want to start a business of your own. It is a good venture, but have you received the blessings of your parents?  Are they happy about you, starting a business. ? Are you torturing them for investment? Are you claiming their jewels and property in order to start your business.    Depend on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Make Him your Business partner. Receive the blessings of your parents then God will bless you and your business. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. Thank you for teaching us through this incident that it is important to receive the blessing of our parents. Help us to honour our parents and not despise them for any reason. Make us to have faith in God that He will bless us if we honour our parents. Teach us not to depend on our own strength but on God and His power.

In Jesus name we pray.



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