April 4, 2024

God With You - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, April 04th , it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 25:8 says, “The sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces, He will remove the disgrace of His people from all the earth.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, today God has given a good auspicious word for you. All those of you who are watching this programme, God is wiping all the tears from your eyes. What a joy it is to realize that the Lord will wipe away your tears. Last night you might have slept with tears in your eyes, thinking about some incident. Maybe some commitment for this day. You might be thinking about the creditors and crying over it Or you may be crying over your children. You may be thinking about your children’s problems and are worried about them. You may be crying because you do not have a child. You have a child but you may be crying over the unhealthy state of your child. Or you may be crying over their exams, You may be crying over the oncoming case. So, you are crying over something or other. But today God wants to wipe away all tears from your eyes.

God will wipe away your tears, and remove your reproach from the face of this earth. What was the shame that Rachel had on that day? She had no children for years together. While her sister Leah had many children. Even Leah’s servant had many children. But Rachel had no children. But a day came, when She looked unto the Lord and cried out. God saw her tears.

Today the Lord is removing all your shame from the face of this earth. At the right and appointed time your marriage will happen in a superb manner irrespective of age. So at the right time the Lord will cause you to be pregnant and bless you with a child. God will change your situation completely. He will remove all shame and disgrace from the face of this earth. He will clear all your debts and remove all your disgrace. He will help you to live an honorable life.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord I pray that You will wipe all the tears of all the children who are watching this program. Lord whatever the reason may be from behind their tears, I pray that You will do a miracle and remove all their shame from the face of this earth. And help the children to conduct all the good events and auspicious events, to be conducted perfectly in their families, by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself I thank you for the same. Lord I thank You for having marked the date. And also for bringing good proposal for their children I thank You Lord. Help them to inherit all that they have lost in their life, by Your grace, and your mercy. Lord open the womb that has been closed. The Lord helps the children to clear all their debts and also helps them to gather baskets of leftovers. Lord change all their disease, and give them victory from all their plagues and incurable diseases.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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