March 19, 2022

God Will Strengthen You. - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 41:10, “I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you, with My righteous right hand.”’

Dear Children of God, many of you are disappointed.  Maybe you would have approached someone from your family or your friends to help you, but they have denied you and ill-treated you. When you seek the help of worldly men, most of your experiences would have been bitter. Today God comforts you by saying “I will strengthen you and help you.”

Maybe you are financially or physically weak and sometimes spiritually weak too. God who knows your weakness, is ready to strengthen you. From today onward, the Lord is going to strengthen you physically, spiritually, and also financially. God will not only strengthen you but also help you meet your needs in a miraculous way. Our God who decides to lift you, will not do it in a normal manner, but ‘He will lift you up from the miry clay and set you on a rock and put a new song into your mouth’. He will make you sit at an elevated level and admire you.

In the Bible, we can see David was the one who was going after his father’s sheep. But God admired him and made him the king of Israel. God promoted Daniel, who was thrown into Lion’s den, as the collector of Babylon.  God made Joseph the son of Jacob, as the Governor of Egypt, who was once put into the prison by Potiphar, with a false accusation.  These people who were so helpless became great in life only because God helped them.  You might wonder if God would help you also and make you great. Surely, He will lift you up and cause you to become great because our God has another name, known as Ebenezer.   It means, “The Lord Who Helps.” You may be seriously expecting God to help you, in your distressed state of life. The moment you look up to heaven and call upon His name, He will come running to help you.

Many children are caught up in various problems and they are unable to come out of it and thus they are badly in need of help. Those of you who are anxiously waiting for help and saying “Lord, who will come forward to help me in this juncture? Who will lift me in this horrible state of misery? Who will lift up my children to a better position?” The Lord says, “Don’t worry, even if nobody helps you, I am there to help you.”  What a good God we have!

Our Lord is one who made the bitter waters of Marah turn sweet water for the people of Israel to drink. Our God who enlightened the heart of Naomi brought happiness into her life, and lifted her head high in society will also lift you up. Our Lord who gave another life for Ruth and who helped her to find favour in the eyes of Boaz, will He not help you? 

God will solve all your family disputes between husband and wife. He will help you and bring peace and harmony into your lives.  He will open the windows of heaven, and let the income flow from His holy sanctuary. So, you shall have a good income and you will be able to pay back your debts. Whether your need is, be it your medical expense, your children’s education, or your family matters, God is able to help you. As you read this message the Lord will pour out His blessings. And you are going to receive a miracle from God. You will live in peace and joy. God bless you all.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. You said that You will strengthen and help us. Look at my children who are badly in need of help, and stretch out your helping hand to them.  They have come to You for help as there is no one to help them.  Perform miracles for them who have stretched out their hands to you for help.Have mercy on them and help them. So that they may know your power.

In Jesus Name We pray.


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