March 17, 2023
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book Micah 7:15, “I will show them wonders.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, in this verse God says, that He will show wonders. God looks at you and straightaway tells that He will show you wonders. God says, to all of you who are reading this message that He will perform a miracle for you. The prophet Isaiah had given several names to our Lord Jesus Christ before He was born. And one of them being Jesus is Wonderful. He is a God who does wonders. His name itself is Wonderful. Such a God is saying that He will cause you to see wonders. Some of you are thinking, Only if God performs a miracle or wonder, something good will happen in my life. Otherwise there is no chance for me to win in my life. There are no other possibilities for me to be victorious in life other than depending on God for me to do wonders. Only if God takes pity on me and does some wonders can I achieve something good in my life. Many of you are thinking in this manner for some reason or other. Expecting God to do wonders for you. So very disappointed, but at the same time expecting a miracle to happen in your life. You are thinking unless and until God considers me and perform a wonder nothing good can happen in my life. In whatever matter you are expecting a miracle God is going to perform a wonder for you. It will happen.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, on that day, God performed the first miracle in the city of Cana, at a wedding banquet. There in the wedding the wine was running out. The host of the house was much worried because more guests had gathered in that house. There were no grapes, to make wine. But God made wine without grapes. He changed the water in the jars to wine by the power of God. All in the party would have thought that there was no way or chance for the host who held the feast to provide sufficient wine, for the guests. The couple were perturbed to think that their marriage would end up in an unpleasant manner. And they will never be able to start their married life successfully. They could have thought that there was no chance for them to provide the most delicious wine in the feast. But since the wonder working God had been invited to that wedding along with his mother and his disciples, Jesus performed the miracle. And brought joy and happiness to all those who had gathered to the wedding. The wonder happened as a result the couple were able to start their married life successfully.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If there is someone who could tell you that He would cause you to see wonder in your life then you should allow Him to do the wonder in your life. Open your heart and allow Him to enter into your heart. Believe that He will surely perform wonder. God should sit inside of you to do miracles for you. He is waiting at the door of your house and knocking the door of your heart with a hope of entering inside. He says, “ If you will let Him inside then He will come in and dine with you.”Once He enters into your heart then miracles will happen one after another. Even what you don’t think will happen. Today the Lord is going to provide government job to those who are in need of a Government job. He will perform a miracle for you. In case some of you are waiting to be married then God will open doors and means for you to get married and settled. All barriers will be broken. For those who have no children for many years, then God will open the womb and help you conceive and bring forth children. God will do a miracle inside your womb.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Do you dream of having a house of your own, over a long period of time, then surely God will provide you with a own house. He is a God of wonders. So miraculously He will build you a house. He will let you live in a house of your own. In case you are thinking that you cannot give up a bad habit, God will help you do so. Give your heart to Christ, and then He will give you the desires of your heart. He will redeem you out of that sinful life and purify you. He will make you sit in the highest position and admire your beauty and your exaltation. Have you grown weak and weary in your body? Are you thinking that you will die in that disease? Because the doctors have said that nothing can be done to recover from death bed. So are you thinking that the end of your life has come? Even now it is not too late. Give your heart to the Lord. Commit your ways unto the Lord trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass. You will see wonders in your life.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord You said, that you will cause us to see wonders in our life. Kindly perform wonders in the life of all the children who are anxiously waiting for a miracle to happen in their life, before all the people and exalt them. Do wonders for all the people since all of them are anxiously waiting for a wonder to happen in their life. If not their life will not be successful. Kindly hear their cry and answer them speedily. In whatever area they are expecting a miracle Lord please, grant them the desires of their heart and make them glad. It can be in their job, in their family, or their married life or they may be anxious to get a child. It can also be regarding a house of their own. In all these areas of life I pray earnestly that you will perform a wonder for them and fulfil the desires of their heart.
In Jesus Name we pray.