March 13, 2022

God Will Preserve You. - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book   of Psalms 138:7, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble You will revive me.”

Our Lord is one who revives us when we go through trials and temptations. He is the life-giving Lord, He is the Lord who causes us to live and He is the Lord who lifts us up when we are in trouble, that is why the psalmist says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life.” Your family members or close friends may not help you or be with you when you are in need, but the Lord whom you worship will be with you in your trouble and consider your painful situation. When you call upon Him He will help and deliver you from your terrible situation.

We read about David in the Bible, who got caught by king Saul and his 3000 soldiers. He was surrounded by them while he was hiding on the hills in the wilderness. He did not know what to do and he was left alone with his men.  But God loved David and He fought for him.   Do you know how God helped David? Well, he gave deep sleep to all the 3000 soldiers who guarded the king and all of them lay asleep as if they were given anesthesia, just imagine 3000 soldiers lying asleep around the hill.  By sending deep sleep among the soldiers, God made them powerless and inactive.    While they were all asleep, David and his men quietly escaped from there where they had been hiding. This is the miraculous work of the Lord. In the same way, God will deliver you from the trouble which you are going through no matter how difficult it may be. You need to have faith that God is able to deliver you from all such situations. Many of you are entangled in some kind of trouble and do not know how to come out of it but God will make a way for you. Call upon the name of Jesus today like David did and God will answer you and help you come out of all your troubles.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, please look at my children, who are caught up in the midst of trouble and are unable to come out of it. Take a look at my children who are stuck in destruction, in huge debts, in disease, and in a court case, Lord descend upon them and deliver them from their trouble. For you are a God who will come flying like an eagle to protect your children. Please protect such children who are caught up in trouble, bring them out of  it and give them new life. Help them to come out of their debts, disease, shame, and humiliation.  Please perform miracles for them and reveal your favour and power to them that they may know that You are the living God, who will revive them from their struggles.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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