August 7, 2020

God will perfect all things. - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the  book of  Ecclesiastes. 3:11  He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts. Except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”    

God has made everything  beautiful  in its time. God made everything, for His pleasure and glory and there is a beauty in them all. He upholds all things; He governs and orders all things according to the counsel of his will.  Some things are done immediately by Him. Some He does when its need arises.  But whatever he does there is a beauty and harmony and all are ordered to answer the wisest and greatest purposes, and everything is done in the time in which he wills,  that  it should  be done. And He does it  in the time most  fit and suitable for it to be done. 

All natural things are beautiful in their season; things in summer, winter, spring, and autumn; frost and snow in winter, and heat in summer; darkness and dews in the night, and light and brightness in the day; and all that He  works together for good; are like Joseph’s coat, of many colours, extremely beautiful, as are all the providences of God to men. The  capacity  of men is so small, and life so short, that they cannot find out all  the works of God.  In fact  they do not live to see them finished, and therefore cannot find them out,  For God has put something “hidden“, so that they cannot be perfectly known.   Such is the greatness of  God  and His creation. History and science has divided man’s life into three divisions. Namely the  past, the present and the future.  We  actually  see several ages or phase of life that one experiences within a particular span of life.  But God says, it does not matter how long the period of ages might be. But He has made everything beautiful in its time.  Hallelujah!

 My dear Brothers and Sisters is there anything undone in your life? Are you expecting for something to happen in your life? Well remember that the Lord will perfect that which concerns you. Nothing is too hard for the Lord to perform. He will perform a miracle for you. Therefore kindly put your faith on Him and He will fulfil the desires of your heart. For  He performs what is appointed for you. Prophetically God says, that you feel,  as if there is nothing perfect in your family.  So  you   seem to say,  “ If only my husband was perfect my children would have been fine. But because he drinks and uses bad language,  now even my children have become bad and they use bad words. Since there is no perfection in my family I am suffering so much in my life.”  Saying so,  many of you are reading this message in tears. Whatever is imperfect in your family,   causes  you  pain, and so you  live in distress.  If   you  think of  your   children  your   heart   aches,   you  feel as if your   head would burst. Because instead   of living a God fearing life they are blaspheming God and they are asking why God created them and what has God done for them.

Instead of producing the fruit of the spirit,  they are living in their own ways, and as they wish. They don’t even come to church. But today God will change  them,  even   your husband. From today God is going to perfect everything in your family, in your life.  He  will set right all the ups and down in your family. He will straighten all that is crooked in your life.  All   that is rough and tough in your life. At times I have seen many ladies begging their husbands to come and meet me, and pray with me.  They might have waited for three long years.  And   finally when they come and sit before me and when they kneel and pray and when I hug them,  I have seen a great change come upon them  and their family. Because the Bible says, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think or pray,   according to the power of the Holy Spirit that  works  in us. He heals the broken hearted and sets the captive free. Therefore turn to God and be blessed. 

Prayer:  Our   loving   heavenly Father,  we   thank   You  for  this  blessed day.   Thank  You  Lord  for  having  made  everything  beautiful  in  its time.  You are the creator of all things. A   great and mighty  God.    For by You  all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible.  All  things  were   created through  You   and for You. Therefore we praise your holy name. Lord   perform what is appointed for us that we may lack nothing.  Help us to enjoy  the creation of God and live in harmony. 

In Jesus name we pray. 


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