December 4, 2023

God Will Look After You - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Dec. 4th. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Jeremiah 40:4, “I will look after you.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, What a nice auspicious word the Lord has given to you this day. We see mothers asking their children to go to school very carefully. In the same manner wives will tell their husband to go and come very carefully when they send them to their offices. Some husbands will ask their wives to be careful while they go out to the hospital for delivery. So everyone expects us to be careful, and be safe in our day to day life. But in spite of being very careful, and though they desire to be careful and desire to be safe, some accidents do take place. At times, some incidents happen and this causes distress. Today the Lord says, “I will look after you.” If God says this word to you, then you need not have to fear going out or coming in. Because He will guard you. And no untoward incidents or accidents will occur in your life. You will be kept safe. The Bible says, He will keep you in the cleft of the rock and protect you. There is another verse which says, “ He who touches you touches the apple of My eye.” Here is another verse, “I have kept you in the palm of my hand. “They are all verses which comfort you and are promises made to assure you with His protection. I like this verse which says” I will look after you.” What must we do for God to take care of us. We should commit your children, your wives, or your husband, in the mighty hands of the Lord. You should say, “Lord I myself cannot take care of my children, or my husband, or my wife without your help. Therefore I entrust them all into your hands, that You may take care of them. “It is not only to take care of them when they go out and come in, or from disease and accidents but to save them from involving themselves in evil activities. Dirty and unpleasant habits that could endanger them. And keep them away from having friendship with unwanted relationships and let not your children get entangled in the trap laid by wicked people. And from all such things, the Lord will safeguard you. Submit your grown up children in the hands of the Lord. God will take them safely to their colleges and bring them home safely. Submit your little children in the hands of the Lord.

Then the Lord will protect them while they play on the steps, or while they climb up stairs and come down the stairs. When they jump and skip and hop and play in a manner that you hurt them physically, God will protect them from being hurt in any way. He will not allow their foot to slip or slide over and be hurt. God will send His angels to take charge of them , and to carry them in their hands and save them from being hurt. He has descended into your house to give you protection. God is not saying that He will save you physically but He will save your soul and your spirit also. God wants to protect you physically, spiritually and even your soul and your spirit. So that you will not get caught by the cunningness of the evil one. Or be entangled by the plan of the wicked and the Devil. Your enemies. God will therefore keep you safe in your going out and in your coming in, He will bless your job, interview, and bless the interview for your Visa. And He will establish you on the face of this earth, with utmost care and protection.

Prayer : Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord You who said that you will look after us, and especially today we pray for those parents who are worried about their children who go to school, and those who go to their colleges, and even to their offices. Help them not to be worried over them but to totally commit them in the hands of the Lord. Lord give this word of assurance to such people who are worried about their children. Lord take care of them as you have promised, and guard and protect them. And we thank you Lord for protecting them. Lord, we have heard many parents tell their son in law to take care of their daughter while giving them in marriage. But even then we hear of many unpleasant situations, taking place in many families. But today we just commit our children in Your hands that You will take care of them in their marriage life also. Let no destruction occur in their families, in their marriage life, or in their business, or in their workplace or in their ministry. May the hand of protection be upon all the children, guard them and keep them, and may they achieve great things in their lives.
In Jesus Name We pray.

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