March 2, 2022

God will grant your desire. - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of 1 Kings, 3:5,  “At Gibeon, the Lord  appeared to Solomon, in a dream, by night, and God said, Ask! What shall I give you?

From the above context we learn that God appeared to Solomon by night, and asked him to make known his desire. God wanted   him to ask   what he desired. God loved Solomon as he was the son of King David, and so he not only made him the king of Israel, but also wanted to bless him. There had been no other king like Solomon before him or after him. Solomon also praised God for making him sit on the throne, after his father. He told the Lord, “I am a little child; I do not know how to go or how to come in? And I am in the midst of Your people, whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous, to be counted. Therefore give me an understanding heart, to judge Your people,   that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours? This request of Solomon pleased the Lord. God said to him, because you have asked for wisdom, to judge the people and not asked   long   life   for yourself,   nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked understanding to discern justice. I have given you both riches and honour so that there shall not be anyone, like you among the kings all your days. 

Today the Lord is looking at you and saying, “Ask what your desire is? You have not asked anything in my name. Ask that your joy may be full. Ask and you shall receive. For everyone who asks receives.  You have been struggling for many years, for a particular thing, to happen in your life. You had a desire but it was never fulfilled. It never happened all these years. It may be a five year desire or 10 year desire whatever it might be, you have desired it for quite a long time, but you never received it. God says, “Ask Me, what you desire I will fulfil it for you.” We often see how children ask their parents for a mobile, a laptop, or a computer, or a cycle, They ask their parents boldly hoping that their parents will give them what they ask for. And when they ask they receive it from their parents. They have   every   right to ask their parents as they are blood relation.   Similarly, we have blood relationship between God and us.  He has shed his precious blood for us on the cross of Calvary. So we have the right to call our God the Father as Abba  Father  and  ask him what we desire.  He is our heavenly Father. The Bible says, But as many as received him to them He gave the right to become the children of God. So you are the children of God therefore you have the right to ask your Father in heaven, what you desire. The Bible also says, God fulfils the desire of those who fear him and saves him from all danger. You can tell Him, “Lord I have this problem kindly solve my problem.”  Lord my parents are suffering from sickness kindly heal them. God will heal them. Say Lord my son, is suffering from poor performance, kindly give him the wisdom and knowledge to excel in his studies. God will answer your requests.

Say   Lord,  my sister is yet to get settled, please help her to get the right partner. God will bring in the right partner, for your sister. He is a God who answers our requests.  The Bible says, The Lord is near to all those who call upon Him. Therefore   do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a man, in whom there is no help. They that put their trust in God shall prosper. So ask God trusting that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think or pray. Ask God to show His power and His awesome nature. Then God will descend upon you and do marvellous things for you.  Never underestimate the power of God. Many years ago King Solomon built  a temple   for God and dedicated it to the Lord. He offered burnt offerings.  He worshipped God sincerely.  That same night   God asked King Solomon to ask what he desired.   Solomon asked for wisdom and discernment to rule the people of Israel, God was pleased with his request and so blessed him with extraordinary wisdom. Today God wants to bless you in the same way. Ask God in a humble manner and God will be pleased with your request and immediately grant you what you desire. God Bless you. 

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for this blessed day. Dear Lord,   We thank You for blessing Solomon with wisdom and riches. Give us the desire to worship God and be humble before Him, that our requests may be pleasing unto God. Lord give us the boldness to approach our Heavenly Father and ask Him what we desire. Lord help us to   be wise and prosperous like Solomon, so that we will be able to manage our family and children.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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