January 19, 2023

God Will Give You Double Honour - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Isaiah 61:7, “Instead of your shame you shall have double honour.”

Through the above verse the Lord is saying that instead of shame God will give you double honour. You may be wondering if God is telling this to you. Yes, God is speaking this to you. Instead of your shame, you shall have double honour. Why is God going to give you double honour?  Because you have already suffered much in life. So, in order to compensate for all that you had suffered in the past, God wants to give you a double portion of the blessing.

Isaac got married when he was forty years old. For about twenty years he did not have any children. That means he was waiting for nearly twenty years. Just imagine how much shame he must have experienced during these twenty years. He was quite wealthy and rich. He was flourishing nicely but he did not have a child. But this special blessing was missing in his life. My Dear Children of God, a day came. when Isaac prayed for his wife who was barren. Because he cried unto the Lord God blessed him with a double portion of blessing.

It is written in the Bible that Isaac prayed for his wife, who carried the name of barrenness.  He called unto the Lord and pleaded for the gift of a child.   God heard his prayer and blessed him with a double portion of blessing. As per the verse which says, “Instead of shame, you shall have double honour.”  God blessed him with twin babies. It was compensation for the sufferings, and shame that they had gone through in life for nearly twenty long years. Today as you read this message and if you are going through such a crisis in your life then God will give you a compensation of double portion of the blessing. 

According to this verse, God will bless you with a double portion of blessing instead of your shame. Maybe some of you are longing for a child. And you are grieved in your heart, because you are barren. God will soon change this situation. Some might have been deserted by your husband and therefore you are going through shame and humiliation. Or maybe some of you have suddenly lost your job. People would put you to shame because you are jobless. God is not slack concerning His promise. What He says by His mouth He will perform with his hand. Such a God will never forsake you. He will surely look upon your affliction and give you a double portion of blessing.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, you said that instead of shame you will give your children double honour, and lift their name.  As per this verse bless your children. Let them enjoy a double portion of the blessing. In whichever place your children have been put to shame, in those areas of life help them to be honoured. Change this situation, God.  Help them to lend to others rather than borrow from others. Give them compensation of blessings and honour them. We thank You for changing their situation and also helping them to regain honour.  

 In Jesus Name We Pray.


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