February 28, 2023

 God will expand your borders   - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today is taken from the book of Exodus 34:24, “For I will enlarge the borders.”
You must be thinking that just now the year 2023 had started and by now two months have passed by at express speed. We have come to the last day the 28th of February. God gave many promises to the children of God. If you ask whether all was fulfilled, for some it worked but for others it is still pending, yet to happen in God’s own time. Many of you are worried that nothing happened for you this month. Be patient wait on the Lord, what you expect will come. God is waiting for the right time. God is saying that what you expect is on process. Soon things will be cleared and your expectation will happen. In the above verse God says, that He will enlarge your borders. Exams are going on for some children, which means God is going to expand the borders of their education. To extend the borders of your education God has to extend your knowledge, your intelligence, and your good understanding. Even your memory should be extended. If all these essential things are extended one can really gain victory in his exam. And thus enjoy an extension in his education. Then you can believe. But if you want an extension then both your effort and the effort of God is essential. Both God’s guidance in this matter along with your effort is necessary to receive an extension in your life in any field. The Bible says, Paul sowed, Apollo watered but the increase comes from God. You need to work hard then you need to pray, then the harvest of the Lord will be plenteous.
Today God says, I will extend your borders. You will expand to the right and to the left. You must increase in doing that which is righteous, in experiencing the Holy Spirit of God. The Bible says, one who is righteous continue to be righteous, One who is holy let him continue to be holy. If one is righteous and holy the blessings of God will fill his life abundantly.

Those of you, who are expecting an expansion in your life, are struggling each day. Instead of gaining, you are constantly losing or decreasing in your effort that you take to move forward in life. Your nature of doing good has reduced. Instead of being righteous you have become unrighteous. Instead of becoming more holy you are becoming ungodly. If only you open your heart to live a good spiritual life, then God will open the windows of heaven and pour blessings upon you from above. Then there will be an expansion in all the worldly blessings. You shall be blessed like the way God blessed Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with wealth and riches. You will receive a double portion of blessing like that of Job. You will increase greater and greater, day by day like David, who got back all that he had lost. You too will get back all that you have lost in life if you live a life pleasing unto God. All the wealth and riches will come in search of you. Think of Daniel who went as a refugee to Babylon, there the Lord exalted him. It is his holiness that expanded his borders. Since he decided not to defile his body with the food that was offered to the king God exalted him. The Kings food was rich with drinks and meat and all other rich food. But Daniel refused to eat the King’s food. He ate ordinary simple food and glorified God. As a result God made him to sit with Kings and princes. He did not want to defile his body in which the Lord dwelt therefore God honoured his stand for God even in very hard circumstances.

In a single night he was made the collector of Babylon. God even shut the mouth of the Loins when he was thrown into the lion’s den. He became the district collector of Babylon. He held a highest position in Babylon. Thus we see how the borders of Daniel were extended within a night because he testified that he was a true man of God before the heathen community. The previous day he was just an ordinary cup bearer. But immediately his borders were expanded and he became the collector of Babylon. God exalted him with bright future, a good position, as an honourable man in the society. All those who despised him and degraded him, began to respect him. What is the reason? It is his holiness, his flawless life, his righteousness. His faith in Yaveh the God of Israel. His holiness gave him the power of the Spirit of God. He had the capacity to interpret the dream of the king and thus the king Darius was very pleased with him and from then on he announced that the God of Daniel was the true God. God’s name was thus glorified through his character. You must be faithful to God and also grow in your spiritual life. Previously those who were praying for one hour have reduced the time of prayer to just five minutes then how can you expect God to perform miracles in your life? You need to sit in the presence of God and pray for long hours to receive the blessing of God. You cannot enjoy the world and at the same time try to be godly. This will not work. Only if you extend your spiritual life, then God will extend your borders. God will expand your days of life and also expand the borders of your health.

Prayer: Lord we thank You. I bless your children in the name of Jesus. Lord You have promised to extend the borders of your children. Lord expand the borders of their income. Expand the anointing of God in their life. Lord increase their anointing of the holy spirit, the gifts of the holy spirit, their life span, expand their prayer life, their income, their health, their business, their job, their ministry, The holiness of their prayer life. Let there be an extension in the growth of their generation, may there be an expansion in their health condition. May they experience an expansion in their life span and in accumulating wealth and riches. I bless all the children reading this message from the bottom of my heart. Perform miracles and wonders in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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