March 25, 2023
I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Luke 14:11, “And he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Everyone desires to move forward, to grow and establish themselves. If you are short there are ways for you to grow tall. If your income is very low there are ways and means for you to make a better income. If you have small scale of pay there is way to increase your salary. If you are in a lower position them there is means for you to go to a higher position. There is way for everything. What is the way that God expects from you? He expects you to humble yourself. If you humble yourself then God Himself with exalt you. So the quality of humbleness is very important in the life of a person. What does the word of God say? Put on the nature of humbleness. You need to be humble in your heart. If you have such a good nature in you, then God will take you to a great height, says the Lord. You should not be proud about your beauty or about your education, sometimes God gives certain people a good measure of anointing and you should not be proud about it. If you have such pride then it means, you are falling down. When you see the growth in a man then you will realize that the person is humble in nature.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today if you see the one at the top most level in evangelism is Brother Mohan C. Lazarus. If you wonder how his ministry reached its zenith it is only because of his humble nature. He would be busy doing the ministry here and there, even without rest. Today morning He will be in one location and in the evening he will be elsewhere. Again at night He will come over here. He will keep moving on from one place to another. Not only his hard work but also his humbleness in character made him a great evangelist. God has made him sit in a great height which no one can imagine. God has exalted him in every way. So He has become a role model to many other growing evangelists. Having grown to a great height, you can never see any pride in him. There are many testimonies standing before us. Such testimonies are there in the Bible and you are reading about them, and having faith in them but when you see such humble persons in front of your eyes, then you need to thank God for them. Thus we see that God has exalted him to a great height.
Through this message I would like to tell other upcoming preachers that if you have this quality of humbleness in you and have a check in your character, then God will exalt you also. You need to humble yourselves to the lowest level. Your experience, your pride in knowing English language, or your high post should not make you proud. God’s anointing is above all languages. I know of many preachers, who do not know English and may not be well educated too, yet they are seated in the top most places upon the face of this earth because of their humble nature. When I examine myself, about my qualities, and the growth of my ministry I can surely say that among many things humbleness in me has exalted me to this height, in a very short period. I even now, check myself by looking back at my small beginning. I thank God for His mercy. Today God has exalted me and has made me to be seated at a top position. I thank God a thousand times. Everything happened because of His grace. Even today, I never hesitate to tell my previous position as a waiter in the hotel, washing dishes, or as a mechanic, working as a car driver. Someone asked me, “Why are you like a beggar saying all about your past experience while preaching. You are now at a higher level, a high position. People are looking at you in a higher range”. But I still continue to speak about my past experience because if I forget the past then I will be failing in my conscience.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The more I speak about my poor and lowly condition of my past life, God’s name will be magnified. It may appear as if I am humbled before the people, but it would be a good testimony, before the Lord about me. It is not important how high I am held by the people but how God estimates me is very important. So it is not only being humble in nature, but also you must never forget your past life. You should never forget the rugged path you had once treaded upon. You may think if I tell about my past people will think very cheap or very low about me. But that doesn’t matter. God’s name will be glorified through your testimony. If you want God to think high about you then you need to humble yourselves to the lowest level. Then your business will grow. Your ministry will grow, you will be at the top level in your studies, in your job, and in all that you do so just humble yourselves.
Ask God to give you the quality of humbleness in you.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have said, that he who humbles himself shall be exalted. Help every child to humble themselves till the lowest level. May they have the nature of humbleness in their deepest heart. Let them wear the quality of humbleness, and lead their life and be a blessing to others in this world. Lord You humbled yourself till the very point of death. You had been a role model to us while you were on the face of this earth. Even today there are many holy men of God, who have set a good example of humbleness before us. Help us also to follow them and humble ourselves so that we may receive the highest position in the heart of God. I bless all the children from the depth of my heart. In Jesus Name we pray.