March 5, 2019
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Hebrews 10:23, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope, without wavering. For He who promised is faithful”.
My dear Brothers and Sisters, The Bible Says, For He is faithful that promised. It says, that all the promises of God in Him are yes and in Him Amen to the glory of God. And all the promises of God shall be made good to us if we continue steadfast in Him. We see that during the times when Jesus lived on this earth the Apostles had great hope of eternal life. They had an undoubted right to hope for the heavenly inheritance. The way and means by which Christians enjoy such privileges is by the blood of Jesus, by the merit of that blood, which he offered up as an atoning sacrifice. The son Of God was wounded and bruised for our sins. Believers are to consider how they can be of service to each other especially stirring up each other to the more vigorous, and abundant exercise of love and practice of good works.
My dearly Beloved Brothers and sisters, God is going to give you new opportunities this month for you and your children. Our God is impartial. He who promised is truthful. I have tasted and enjoyed the truthfulness of God in my life. My eyes were flooded with tears, when I looked back at the roads I travelled and looking at the fulfilment of every word that the Lord gave to me all through my life. Just as God fulfilled his promise to me in my life, God will surely fulfil his promises to you if only you revere His name. Then the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in its wings. And you shall go out, and grow fat like stall fed calves. Balaam said, to the people of Israel, “I have received a command from heaven to bless you.”
Hence the blessings with which he blessed the people of Israel came to pass. The appropriate words that God gives to His children are like the apples of gold, kept in the silver plates. You must have trust in your life. You should trust your parents who begot you. Husband need to trust his wife. In return a wife must trust her husband. Parents must trust their Children. Only then you will find harmony and peace in your life and your family. A man without trust will be like the paper that is swept away by the wind, Similarly your life also will soon vanish away and you will not know where it is gone. We must have trust in life. There is trust worthy in Lord Jesus Christ, who can give us trust. He will take care of all your difficulties. God will never throw you into the sea, and watch you drown. Instead He will throw you into the sea so that you will swim back, become strong and you will achieve greater things in life. Because of this you will face several problems. And that will be the time when you will see the Lord lift you up your hand. He will cause His face to shine on you. He will be merciful to you and deliver you from all your problems. He will show you His marvellous kindness. For in His presence there is fullness of joy. And at His right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
God Bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for teaching us to trust one another. We rejoice in God because He has blessed us with all heavenly blessings. We do realize that problems come in our life, in order that You will reveal your greatness to us and help us to become strong in life. May we speak the right words and encourage others. In Jesus name we pray.