December 21, 2022

God Shall Supply From His Rich - Bro. T. Stephen

My   Dear   Brother and  Sister in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has   given   for you today is from the book of Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

My Dear Brother and Sister, From the above context we learn that,  God  will supply   all your needs  according to His riches, by Christ Jesus.  For God to supply all your needs,  you need to fear  God, be humble before God and men,  and also  obey His  commandments.   The Lord  will then   bless  you with a well settled life.  He   will  not only settle you,  but the life  of your children as well. God will give you a bright future. He will give you the desires of your heart. And make all your plans successful. You may be worried that your son, or daughter, or your son in law,  or daughter in law  are still unsettled in life. I tell you that if you fear the Lord and obey His commandments, then God will settle all of them amicably.  There is no doubt about it. There is nothing that God cannot do. All you need to do is to believe in Jesus and put your trust in God and obey His commandments. Then He will work wonders in your life. The Bible says,  By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.

Therefore  fear  God in all that you do, be humble before God. Never be  proud  and  boast about yourself. God Says, He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.  To those who are humble God will open the windows of heaven, the store house of his bounty. And bless all the work of your hands. If you want to be rich and wealthy you need to fear God,  and  acquire humbleness  in character. I have seen certain people who had been very humble when they had no job. But  when  God blessed them with a good government job. Then they change their character. They think holding a government job is something great in life, so they begin to boss over others. No one can easily approach them. They become proud and boast in their position. They forget that God gave them the job out of His mercy. I wish to tell you that the wicked will never come up in life.  Pride, arrogance and pleasure will hide their wisdom.  

God made Saul, son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, as the first king of Israel. He was appointed by the prophet Samuel. But as days went by he forgot God,   and went after other kings. He wanted to please men rather than God. So, God became angry with him and dethroned him from his kingdom. You should not make God to regret for giving you a high post.   Hallelujah!  I have seen many people, as they grow higher and higher, in the society  they will try to associate themselves  with many groups, such as   clubs and they try to gain reputation,  through wrong  friendship. They will be proud to tell others that they are members of certain clubs.  They are not bothered to be members of Heavenly kingdom. The Bible says, “Be happy that  Your names are written in heaven. “ Dear children of God, Are your names written in Heaven? Those who go after the world and the things of this world have gone through great loss in their life. And they themselves get lost in this world. If you go searching for them you will not be able to find them. So be humble, have fear for God and obey His commandments, then you shall enjoy real peace and harmony in your life.  God Bless you. 

Prayer:  Our Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we are   thankful   to You for telling us how we need to be in order to gain the mercy of  God. To  be rich and live with respect   and be well settled in life. Help us to be humble   and  not be proud, when You offer us a good Government job or any other prestigious post  in our life. May we desire to be members of the heavenly kingdom.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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