October 2, 2024

God Reveals His Glory - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, the 2nd of October, I am pleased to see you all directly through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Let’s read together from the book of Isaiah 40:5, “The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”

My dear brothers and sisters, hereafter, the glory of the Lord will be manifested outwardly in your life, and all flesh shall see it with their own eyes. The miracles that God performs for you, through which the Lord will be glorified, will be seen outwardly from now on. God will do it. Perhaps in the past, the Lord may have performed many miracles behind you, which you may not have realized or may not remember.

For example, to safeguard Jacob from the hands of Laban, God warned Laban not to chase Jacob or say anything to him. This happened without Jacob’s knowledge—this was a miracle where the glory of the Lord was revealed. In the same manner, there may have been many miracles that God has performed behind you in your life, at appointed times. But today, the Lord is saying that from now on, His glory will be revealed outwardly in your life.

I wish to share, each day in this auspicious word program, a testimony to encourage you by showing how God performs miracles to reveal His glory outwardly in your life.

There is a sister named Ramani from Kovilambakkam, who wrote her testimony, saying that she had taken her granddaughter, Rithika, to her grandmother’s house. Until then, the child was fine, but after returning home, she wouldn’t talk or sleep properly. She found it difficult to rest. The mother couldn’t understand what had happened to her daughter after visiting the grandmother’s house. Sometimes, in families that are running smoothly, the devil cunningly enters and creates problems, often targeting children and causing trouble in their lives.

My dear children of God, this sister brought her granddaughter to our Chennai Prayer Tower, and after we prayed, her eyes were opened, and she began to talk, eat, and sleep well again. Why am I sharing this? Because for the Lord to reveal His glory, you sometimes need to take the initiative. When such problems occur, don’t neglect the child to go through it alone. If the devil enters, it can completely destroy the child’s life. It was good that she brought the child to the prayer tower, where we prayed. When the Spirit of the Lord entered the child, the evil spirit left, and she became normal.

This is why the Lord has kept Prayer Towers and evangelists. Today, the Lord is saying that in the same manner, whether in your family, your children, or your husband—wherever you desire the glory of the Lord to be revealed—God will perform a miracle. He will help them talk, behave, and sleep well again. There are many who suffer from sleeplessness, even after taking sleeping pills. Are you crying, saying, “Brother, yes, we don’t sleep well even with pills”? Through this auspicious word, the Lord is saying that when His glory is revealed, you will sleep well, rest, and wake up the next day with a shout of praise. In what areas do you want the glory of the Lord to be revealed? Is it in delayed marriages, good events, housewarming ceremonies, or journeys abroad? Whatever is still pending, the Lord will fulfill and bless you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. I bless all the children in the name of the Lord Jesus. Lord, You are good, and Your mercy endures forever. In the future, let Your glory be revealed outwardly in the lives of Your children. Let many miracles happen openly in abundance. Lord, may all the miracles and wonders the children are expecting come to pass in their lives today. May we receive many testimonies from them.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

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