March 4, 2023

God Makes Peace. - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Psalms 147:14, “He makes peace in your borders, And fills you with the finest wheat.’’
Our God says, in the above verse, that He will make peace in your borders, and will fill you, with the finest wheat. From this we understand that God will make peace in the borders of your business centre. He will make peace in the borders of your work place; He will make peace in the borders of your ministry He will make peace in the borders of your family and fill you with the finest of wheat. There is a difference in the varieties of wheat. There will be a low quality of wheat available in the market. Finest wheat indicates good quality of wheat. So what God says is that He will bless the work of your hands, in the job that you do, in the ministry you undertake, and in the business you do. God will bring about the peace in the borders of your job, business, in the ministry that you do, and will fill you with the finest wheat that you may eat and be satisfied. This means you shall receive finest position in the place of your work, in your business, in your ministry and also receive good reward. Some will say, “Look in his field the yield is plenteous. The lemon or orange in his orchard seems to be very big and large. The coconut plucked from his coconut grove is very big. The brinjal from his garden is very big. It means the finest.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Some farmers will say, my garden has yielded poor or bad quality fruits. You too may have had such poor and bad quality of farming all these years. But in the coming days, you are going to receive finest of wheat. It will be the best quality. God will always provide the best for you. The best output of wheat will be provided for you. To obtain this you need to humble yourselves before God. Only if God is within your borders then there will be peace and prosperity. Allow God to be inside your territory only then God will provide you the finest of wheat. So all these days, whatever worms and caterpillars had eaten away your yield, and failed to give you the finest wheat, will be driven away by the Lord and fresh new wheat will grow and your yield will be in plenty.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, May be until today you might be speaking in this manner. But in future, you would say, “My business is doing very well. My job is excellent. My ministry is very successful. They are all like the finest wheat which God provides to His children. Not only that He makes peace in the borders of their work place, in their business, in their ministry. God has provided good salary. He has kept me very satisfactorily. I am satisfied with my children, My husband is doing good. This will be the manner in which you will be speaking in the coming days. You will say, “My marriage has been successful as per my desire. “ God has blessed me with all that I desire. He has given me the finest wheat. Even anointing is amazing it is like the finest wheat. He has caused me to see wonders in my life.

Prayer: Lord we thank You. I bless your children in the name of Jesus. Lord You have promised, to provide the finest of wheat. I thank the Lord who has made us to be satisfied with the finest of wheat. Make their borders with peace, as you are the God of peace. Descend upon the families of all the children who are reading this message and grant to them complete satisfaction, peace and prosperity. Lord rebuild all the broken edges of their business centres, their employment, and also their ministry which doesn’t seem to be doing well. Help them to attain good harvest and may the Lord come in the midst of their families, in their business centres, in the place of their work spot, and in their ministry. Make their borders to be at peace. Let there be no discontentment, or confusion, or any lacking in any areas of their life. Let them not grumble always about their problems. For such kind of children I pray that you would grant them peace. Grant them good harvest that they may clear all their debts and not have any debts that causes panic and fear in their minds. Let peace prevail in their borders. Let them be fully satisfied with the good harvest that God provides for them. Let them enjoy their life like the finest wheat.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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