September 27, 2022

God Makes All Things New - Bro. T. Stephen

Revelation 21:5, “ Behold I make all things new.”

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   Today God comes searching   for you with His  word at your doorstep with an auspicious word   from   the book  of  Revelation 21:5, “ Behold I make all things new.”

When does a man expect a new thing?   When old things do not give him joy, when old things cause pain, and when the old things fail to work.  Then we will expect a change or a new thing to happen in our life. God says,“ I will make all things new.” When old things give way or disappear, then new things will begin to happen.   Then even your sinful life should change.  You need to have a new heart.

Firstly, we need to change as a new creation, the Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation’ only those who are saved, those who are in Christ are a new creation. If you have truly believed in Jesus Christ to be your Saviour and you have made Him the Lord of your life, you have become a new creation.

Before we were saved, we were controlled by our old nature, and we were all slaves to sin. Sin dominated our thoughts and actions like a hard and cruel taskmaster and we were helplessly under its control. We served sin and suffered all the unpleasant effects that came with it: hatred, bitterness, deceit, strife, jealousy, rebellion, pride, and lust. But all that has changed for those who are in Christ. Through His power, we are liberated and delivered from the power of sin. Although sin may still be present in our lives, its power over us is now broken.

Those who are not in Christ yet cannot enjoy such freedom from the power of sin. The old sinful nature is still very much alive in them and they cannot succeed to live the new life, no matter how hard they may try, because they are still under the power of sin.

Therefore, as the apostle Paul told the Corinthian Church we likewise need to: “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” (2 Corinthians 13:5)   If you are truly walking in the newness of life, you will respond to the Word of God. You will listen to God when He speaks to you through His Word. You will be ready to do His will and take His Word seriously. Those who walk in newness of life will be moved and convicted by God’s Word. And they respond to that Word with prayer, trust and obedience. They are not just hearers of the Word, but also doers of the Word.

My Dear children of God, today God is going to do miracles in your life. He is going to make all things new. God will bless you with a new job, anointing, power, spiritual gifts, bussiness, house, and organs in your body. He will replace all your old things with new so that you may enjoy newness in life.

PRAYER: Our loving heavenly Father, as you said in your word today that you will make all things new.   We claim it in Jesus Name in our lives. Transform the life of my children. Let them receive the new gift of power, the spirit of prayer, let them enjoy a new experience in their life, a new job, plenty of wealth and a new house, and every good thing, and honor them. Let them see wonders in their life. Bless them with peace and happiness.

 In Jesus name we pray ,


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