January 8, 2024


My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day Jan.8th it is a great pleasure to meet you all through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Today’s auspicious word of God for you, take with me from the book of 2 chronicles 7:15,”Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, When king Solomon dedicated the temple of God, The assurance that the Lord gave to the people of Israel was that in this place that means the temple of God, The eyes of the Lord will be open and His ears will be attentive to the prayers offered in the temple by the people of Israel. That is why if you go to Israel even today, though the walls of Jerusalem have been broken down, the wall remains till today. They call it the Wall of Lamentation. Wailing wall. The people of Israel and many others who go there keeping the promise of God write their prayer requests and insert them into the walls of the temple. They will keep their hands upon the letter inserted on the walls and pray and we have often seen this. So many of the Jews believing the assurance of God given to them trust that the Lord will answer their prayers, so they hit their head upon the wall and make their prayers. We have seen them praying in tears.

In the past it was a temple built by King Solomon and on the day of dedication the Lord assured that He will answer all the prayers made in the temple. And that His eyes will be open and His ears will be attentive to the prayer made in this place.” What is the Lord trying to tell you through this verse or through this illustration, If God remains in your house, but today your very heart has become the temple of God where the Lord dwells.

Your House has become the temple of God. So if the Lord dwells in your heart. And if you pray from your heart, God’s eyes will be open and His ears will be attentive to your prayers. If you allow the Lord to dwell in your house, then the Lord will be seated in the throne of your heart, and if you keep the Lord in the place of your work spot, or in the ministry you do, or in the business you undertake then all the prayers which you offer from these places will be heard by the Lord. His eyes will be open and his ears will be attentive to your prayers. What is the revelation that we get from this verse, is that If your prayers should be answered and if you want God to hear your prayers, then God must be there, and the prayer must come from your heart, and it will be spoken by your mouth. God will surely listen to your prayers, and in the right season God will do all things well for you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who read this message, Our heart which is the throne where you are seated. Help us not to defile the throne of God which is our heart. Help us not to chase the Lord from our heart. May the children beautify the hearts of all the children, Let the heart which is wicked, and evil become a place of dwelling for the Lord. Let it be a dwelling place for the Lord, to stay, And the prayers which they offer and are being offered from their heart, Let your eyes be open and your ears be attentive to their prayers. We thank you Lord for listening to their prayers. Lord having heard their prayers, grant them their request, And in case they have been longing in their hearts, and waiting for the desired thing has made them sick, due to waiting, let it be fulfilled yes and Amen in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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