June 14, 2019

God grants perfect Peace - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 26:3 , “You will keep him in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, in order for us to have peace, all we need to do is to focus our minds on the Lord, then we begin to trust in Him and His power. This wonderful promise was given to Isaiah when Israel, was going through its darkest period. We see even today, that many people are surrounded by much gloominess, and depression and when we are constantly threatened with the three great enemies of doubt, fear and worry, we need to keep our minds fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ and realize how precious and comforting these words become to us.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is telling you to cling on to Him firmly from this day onwards. At times you might have been unsuccessful in achieving your goals. And this may be because you had left Jesus behind. But from now on you hold on to Him. Then you will find a progress in your life. God is not happy with those who backslide from the Lord. The Bible says, “For a righteous man fall seven times and yet he rises again.” The Peace which God offers is very practical. And this can be experienced by us through His grace. And this peace can be attained by trusting our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul through his letters encourages the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord always. He says, “ Rejoice in the Lord always, and I say again rejoice.” Let your gentleness be evident to all. For the Lord is near, therefore do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanks giving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ procured peace for us, upon the cross of Calvary, and that peace is conveyed to our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit, as stated in the Bible. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. Further the Bible says, Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, God gives us a guarantee that if we will walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, He will keep our hearts, in perfect peace. If we do our part, then He will do His part. Then you will have good success.

God Bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for having procured peace for us on the cross of Calvary. Teach us to keep Your commandments. Help us to cling on to You O Lord, for all our needs. Be with us and guide us in our day to day life. May we enjoy the fruit of the spirit in our life. In Jesus name we pray.


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