March 26, 2019

God grants double blessing - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of  Job 42:12, “Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job, more than his beginning. “

My dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse we understand that all blessings are of the Lord. Temporal and spiritual, and sometimes the last days, of a good man are his best as were that of David and Job.

Though this is not always the case, and if their last days, are but the best,  in spiritual things that is enough. If they have more faith, hope, love, patience humility and self-denial, and are more fruitful, in every good work then they are like the best wine that is reserved till last. Job was one such person, who feared God and shunned evil. He was rich and wealthy. God considered Job as an upright man and so allowed satan, to test Job to prove his righteousness. One day it so happened that Job lost all that he had, his cattle, animals, wealth and also his ten children.

A terrible tragedy struck Job like thunder. Yet in all this, Job did not sin with his lips. He simply said, “’ The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord’’. Though his wife rebuked him asked him too curse God and die,  Job simply said to his wife, “’Shall we accept good from God and shall we not accept adversity?   Job knew the power and authority of God. He knew that God gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Hence Job patiently waited for the Lord to bring about a great change and since he waited patiently the Lord blessed him with a double portion of blessing.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, therefore if you too like Job would patiently wait on the Lord, you shall receive a double portion of blessing from the Lord. If you realize that God takes you through tribulation in order that you draw closer to Him then your sorrow will turn to joy. For the Lord disciplines those whom He loves. So, my dear Brothers and Sisters,  it is better to repent of your sins, and submit yourselves to God rather than murmur or rebuke God in anger.

My dear Brothers and Sisters,   then God will restore double to you. He will change your curse into a blessing, and make your mourning into dancing. You will experience a greater blessing from God when you have stood the test and you will come out like gold. God knows the way you take.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank  You for this blessed day. Lord thank you for helping us to realize that You discipline all those whom you love. Teach us to wait on you patiently until you change our crucial situation. Grant us the wisdom and knowledge to endure affliction so that we might receive a double portion of blessing. In  Jesus name, we pray.


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