November 28, 2021

God gives you a new heart - Bro. T. Stephen

 My   Dear   Brothers  and  Sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has  given  for you today is from the book of  Ezekiel 26;36“’And I will give them one heart [a new heart, and put a new spirit within them. I will take from them the heart of stone, and will give them a heart of flesh that is responsive to My touch.”

My  Dear  Brothers  And  Sisters,  From the above verse God is speaking to you through this message.   He wants you to forget all your failures in your life. You consider yourself as a waste since all your effort has become unsuccessful.  No one respects you or  takes notice of you. You have been rejected and  suppressed  by others. They may be your own people. Therefore you are so   dejected     in life. You have lost all your hope in making a better life. Because you have tried all ways and means to uplift yourself in the society but it all turned out to be vain attempts   as   you couldn’t prosper and become wealthy.  This society  respects only the  well to do and rich people. Therefore you are hurt and broken in spirit.  God wants to give you a new heart, with a new spirit. He will take away your stony heart and give you a heart of flesh, so that you may be able to forget all your past failures, your losses, and your brokenness  of spirit and help you to recover  all that you have lost in your life. When your heart is in tune with God then God will begin to do a new thing.

My Dear Brothers And Sisters,  God is able to change all your old pattern of life into renewed and changed life. Some might tell me, “Go Brother,  it is written in my head that I must suffer  in poverty. “I tell you God is able to change all your unfavourable situation to a successful and favourable one. In the Bible we   read about  Hezekiah,  son of King Ahaz,  who   reigned over Judah.  He was more zealous for the Lord than any other kings. Because King Hezekiah put God first in everything he did, God prospered him. Hezekiah “held fast to the Lord and did not stop following him; he kept the commandments  that  the Lord had given Moses. And the Lord was with him; he was successful in whatever he undertook”. But   suddenly ,king  Hezekiah was ill with an inflammation. Isaiah told him that the Lord said he should put his house in order because he would die. On hearing this Hezekiah  turned his face towards the wall and prayed. He reminded God about his righteous life and how he did all that was right in  the sight of God. God took pity on Hezekiah and even   before Isaiah had left the king’s house, God told Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that his prayer had been heard and that his life would be extended fifteen years.

My Dear Brothers And Sisters,  We see  how God changed   the situation of King Hezekiah in a moment.  Even the Assyrians,  who  often invaded  Judah stopped  attacking them.  The Lord, through Isaiah, reassured the king that Assyria would never enter Jerusalem. God not only extended the days of his life but granted peace  during his reign.  Hezekiah had the habit of praying So the Lord blessed him. God would change your situation also. You also learn to pray and obey the commandment of God. Then God will be merciful  to you . He will not only extend the years of your life but also bless you with every good thing that  you need. God assures you with a new job with good salary. He  will clear all your debts.   He will expand your business as never before. He will help in the education of your children. He will re-establish  your family life and make you fruitful, in the land of the living. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we  thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord,  thank You for being merciful to king Hezekiah, for healing him of his disease which was unto death and also extending the days of his life. Lord be merciful to us also. Heal us of our illness. Make us to be obedient to your commandments. To fear You and do all that is right in the sight of God.

 In  Jesus Name We Pray.


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