January 28, 2020

DO GOOD - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of  Genesis 50:20, “ But as for you, you meant evil against me, But God meant it for good, in order to bring  it as it is this day to save many people alive.”

In the above context we see that Joseph has forgiven his brothers, who sold, him into slavery.  He says that although they meant harm upon Joseph it worked out for good according to Gods plan. They thought to do evil, against Joseph. But God meant it unto good, in order to the fulfilling of the dreams, and the making of Joseph a greater blessing to his family. God’s   counsel alone shall stand.  God often brings good out of evil   and promotes the   designs, of his providence, even by the sins of men. Joseph assures them   of   the continuance   of his kindness, to them.  He says, “Fear not, I will nourish you.”’ The above verse shows   that Joseph was a man with an excellent spirit, and we learn from him to render good for evil. He did not complain his brothers   of their wrong behaviour but he would be kind to his brothers. He did not hold them in   suspense,  neither did  he seem   jealous of them though they had been suspicious, about him. Even   though they were unkind to him, he comforted them. In order to banish all their fears, he spoke kindly to them.

Those whom we love and forgive   we  must not only do  well  for  them  but also speak  kindly  to them. Joseph wept at the distress, and doubt of his brothers, when they all fell down before him, entreating his forgiveness. Joseph removes all their fears, by saying “Am I in Gods stead that I should take revenge?  He very well knew that God had judged them, and turned their sinful deed into a blessing. He assures them of his brotherly kindness toward them.  

The intentions of the brothers were bad.  They planned to take away   his   life and make him a slave all the days of his life.  But God meant it unto good.  He designed that good should come by it and he brought good out of it. This verse shows how bad things in life, can result in unexpected good outcome. . With the power of the forgiveness of sins, all trespasses may become right again. And bad things may become good again. The key is how we handle, life’s events, and the choices we make to influence outcomes.

Whatever  evil  you  have faced in life,  whatever  evil and unsuccessful results,  you had experienced recently,  God is changing such things in your life,  and God who breaks the barriers is descending upon you in a mighty manner. If you want to be successful, in the way, you  go, you need to do two things. Firstly never go away from God and secondly be always dependent upon God. Joseph was one such person who always depended upon God. He was an honest man before God. And he trusted on the Lord alone. And so he was successful. Has anyone wronged you in your life? Has your boss shifted you to a different location?  or have they delayed your promotion  for various reasons?  Depend on the Lord,  He will turn the curse into a blessing for you. He is ever watching the thoughts and actions of men.   God will deal with those who have wronged you. Continue to depend on the Lord Jesus Christ He will perfect that which is imperfect.  And just as God turned the evil for the benefit of Joseph the same God will change the situation for your good. So be cheerful in the Lord.  God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank You  for  turning  the evil, for our good. Help us to be depended upon God. May we learn to be ever faithful to   God.   Teach us to handle every   situation that rises up in our life carefully. May we understand the ways of God, and always, rely on Him for our sustenance. 

In Jesus name we pray.



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