September 12, 2023

God Does Not Change - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 12th. of September, It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. This morning while speaking from Coimbatore Garden Of Comfort, I pray and bless each one of you in the name of the Lord. May the name of the Lord be glorified. You must be wondering what auspicious word of God the Lord has kept for you. Take with me from the book of Malachi 3:6, “For I am the Lord. I do not change. Therefore you are not consumed. O sons of Jacob. ”

You the sons of Jacob, you who are the descendants of Jacob, you who are the children of Jacob, You who live among the tribes of the children of Israel, hereafter you shall not be consumed. My dear children of God, you should be consumed, destroyed or You should be ruined. Your name should no longer exist, saying like this, Many of you cunningly by doing witchcraft, divination, or through black magic, someone could have taken steps to destroy you. Someone could have written a false letter against you. They could have cunningly got you trapped into their snare. They did this to entangle you, in order to destroy you. They thought of consuming you. They tried to catch you cunningly but the Lord says, As you are the children of Jacob, I shall not allow you to be consumed. That means the Lord will save you from those who have planned to destroy you with weapons such as black magic, witchcraft, divination, and other evil steps cunningly to consume you and destroy you. God is going to nullify all the plans and schemes of the wicked who wish to destroy you and cancel all their plans in the midst of those people who wish to destroy you, so that He might establish you and settle you. Because he is a God who does not change concerning his promise. He has said, “ I will neither leave you nor forsake you.” The Lord who promised you, will never allow you in the midst of such cruel people and leave you and run away. He will remain with you until the end of your days and he will lift you up. From troubles, from danger, from incurable disease, from plague. The Lord who lifts you up says, You shall not be consumed by disease, You shall not be consumed by famine, nor will you be consumed because of debts. You will not be consumed just because you don’t have a job. God is today telling you, “I do not change.” You who are the children of Jacob, and the daughters of Jacob, shall not be consumed, says the Lord. For the mountains shall depart, And the hills be removed, But my kindness shall not depart from you. Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed. Says the Lord who has mercy upon you. ” The Lord has said, He will do what He has said.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord whatever wicked deeds have been planned by the people against your children, such as witchcraft, black magic. or sorcery let it all be canceled in the name of Jesus. And you shall establish them O Lord. According to the word which says, Jacob shall take root, so long all those who cannot take root in future help them to take root. According to the word which says, Jacob shall take root and bring forth fruit, and bloom let the sons and daughters of Jacob, take root in the word of God and take root in God, take root in the holiness, and take root in their faith and as a result, Those who come He shall cause to take root in Jacob; Israel shall blossom and bud, And fill the face of the world with fruit. And for those children who cry saying that they are unable to shine in their life, let them shine and in their field, and in the counsel of God, and in the anointing of God and the hand of God which is favorable may be with them. Let everyone rise and shine.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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