August 22, 2018
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Children of God we need to give our priority to God. We need to glorify God because He has granted favour before men and other people. Give God the first place in your life. If you give the first place to God in your life, then God will give you the first place in His Heart. Especially the youngsters should seek the Lord while they are young. They should give the first place to God in their life. Ecclesiastes 12:1 says, “Remember now your creator in the days, of your youth. Before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, I have no pleasure in them. ’Also we read in Psalm 119:9 “How can a man cleanse his ways? By taking heed to God’s word.
If any man, woman or children would give God an important (part, place or portion ) in their life, then surely as per Proverbs 22:29 God will make them stand before kings. They shall not stand before mean men. Only when we give our priority to God, we will acquire a good portion of inheritance in our life. God must be our wealth and we should give the first place to God in our lives. Only then God will bless us.
Some might be expecting a seat in a good college, a good life partner from a good family, and a job in a good company. If you want all these things to happen in your life, then you should submit your life in the hands of the creator who will act for you. When you give a portion of your life to God then God will give you a portion of His blessing. God will break all the barriers that obstruct you from achieving your portion to a perfect place. and grant you the best portion. Not ruined places but place of prosperity. Since you are waiting for such a glorious period of life, the Lord will bless you and grant you the desires of your heart. He is a God who gives wonderful things. When God gives you the best portion in your life then you will live in peace, harmony and freedom. Halleluiah!
May be until now you have not achieved anything wonderful in life, But hereafter, you will achieve wonderful things in your life. God will bless you with a permanent job. Some will acquire excellent business. They will rise up high and mount up as eagles, They will prosper and flourish like the palm trees they will grow like cedar in Lebanon. As promised in Psalm 92:12. Hereafter even those who work in menial jobs like electrician, liners, and mechanics will begin to prosper. You will work in excellent dwellings with peace and great freedom.
God bless you
Prayer :
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for your unfailing love and care. We thank you for the favor you have shown in the midst of men and people. Thank you Lord for giving to us all that is necessary for our lives. Unto your name we give all the glory and honor for your truths sake. In Jesus name we pray.