December 6, 2022

Gifts Come From God - Bro. T. Stephen

Dear Beloved , I greet and bless  each  and  every one of you, in the name of our Lord  Jesus  Christ, who is  the Creator  and Maker and  ever unforgettable  God. The Blessed word that God has given   for   you   today is from the Book of James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.  And   comes down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation, or shadow of turning.”

From the above words we learn that every gift which we receive is from God, who shows no partiality. You are blessed with many good gifts every day of your life,                    which you may not realize. The Bible says. God loads us daily with many benefits. God blesses His children with several gifts.  Almost every day we experience the blessings of God, in one way or the other. Count your many Blessings and see what God has done for you. He has blessed you with good family, Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters. Isn’t   it  a  great Blessing ?  Many in this  world   have no parents. They   have no one to take care of them. They take refuge in the orphanage homes.  Likewise   many couples,  have no children to love  them. So you need to be grateful to God for having blessed you with good family. God has blessed you with good education, good job, good   spouse, good children , wealth and above all good health. Unless God blesses you, You cannot be blessed.

The word gift denotes the act of giving. The emphasis is on the giver. God who gives gifts is the author of every good gift.  Whatever is good is from God. Whether of nature, providence or grace, or any spiritual blessings, is from God. Every such gift that comes from God, is the best gift, and is perfect. Such gifts are Salvation, Righteousness, Forgiveness Of sin, and Eternal life.

Have you received the gift of forgiveness of all your wrong deeds. If not you please ask God to forgive your sins. The Bible says, If your sins are as dark as scarlet God will make them white as snow. Cleansing of our sin is also considered as a gift from God. The sun, the moon, and the stars, are all considered as gifts of God. The air we breathe and the water that we drink are gifts of God. And God being the Father of lights, there is no darkness in Him. He is the fountain of Lights. The Bible says, that all those who looked at the face of God became radiant. Similarly those who  are  struggling in the darkness are brought to light through our Lord Jesus Christ. Privately given gifts pacify wrath, and payments made secretly appease great anger. So however it may be, gifts play an important role in the life of a person. But one must remember that every gift and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights. God Bless You.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father,   we thank You for this blessed day.  Lord we thank you for all the gifts you bestow upon us, each day of our life. Help us to be careful and grateful for all the gifts you provide. Teach us to realize that every gift is not because of our own effort but they come from God the Father of Lights. Help us to understand the value of all the gifts and make use of it in the best possible way.

In Jesus name we pray.


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