July 1, 2023

Follow God Wholeheartedly - Bro. T. Stephen

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day July 1st through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God Bless you! Just now the year 2023 started but six months have passed by and by the grace of God we are stepping into the seventh month.

On the first day of the month, I am thrilled to bring the Auspicious word from the Lord’s presence. Children of God who are waiting expectantly for some blessing from the Lord, let us read and meditate on Deuteronomy 1:36 “… to him and his children I am giving the land on which he walked because he wholly followed the Lord.” For those who wholeheartedly follow the Lord, the land that they step into will be given to them, this is not said by man but by God. The important decision which we must take on this first day of the month is to follow God wholeheartedly. What does ‘Wholeheartedly’ mean? It simply means bound by conscience. Perhaps until now, your conscience was dead. Or you might be ignoring your conscience. You might be boldly opposing God or the people of God.

On this first day take the decision, “Lord give me a new heart to follow you wholeheartedly.” When you follow God wholeheartedly, whatever you desire in your life God will grant it. Lakhs of Israelites were anticipating a deliverance leaving the slavery of Egypt to enter Canaan. Among them Caleb followed God wholeheartedly, hence he had the privilege of entering Canaan. Moreover, God said the land on which he stepped would be given to him and his children. And hence the land which he stepped into Hebron was given to him, even today his descendants reside in Hebron, Israel.

What is the Lord implying through this, everyone has certain desires and feelings. I would like to settle in this country. I would like to work in this place. I would like to have a home here. I would like to receive this gift of the Holy Spirit. But you are not able to receive them. On this first day, God is teaching us the way to receive it.

Follow God wholeheartedly, be bound by your conscience, consider good for others, do good for others, and don’t do evil for others, just like we cannot tolerate evil from others, they too won’t tolerate evil from us. Don’t you lament when some people do evil against you? Same way when you do evil against them, they will lament. This will also agonize the Lord’s heart. Today the Lord is going to give you a new life of Canaan, as you step into this new month. A new life in Canaan, a new life of prosperity, a new healthy life, God is granting you today! Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Let us humbly submit ourselves to the Lord. He will do a miracle. Perhaps you faced a lot of hurdles in all your efforts to go abroad. Could it be that our sins and iniquities have stalled these blessings? Lord, I have entered a new month, a new day, transform me into a new creation, and like Caleb give me and my inhabitants the land that I am stepping into. God will bless you. Many of you are very worried about the future of your children. All your worries will vanish, and God will give Canaan to your children and brighten their future.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. We thank You for this joyful first day of the month. Today as they step into the first day of this new month. Lord change me into a new man, renew my feelings, and thoughts. Pour the precious blood of Calvary on the crown of their heads and purify them. Today onwards let them live a life of integrity, a truthful life, a life pleasing God, a life of blessing to others, a life of being useful to the family, grant this to my children. Through this let them be blessed to go to the country they longed for, the desired job, the anticipated gift of a child, and the family life they yearned for. Grant it to them and bless them. The country and places that they have stepped into grant it to them and their descendants and bless them. For those crying that they don’t have their own house when Caleb cried out to you to grant him the land he stepped into, You registered the land in his name. On this day, grant my children a nice house to live in, and their own place for their business. Honor them. Break every barrier and do miracles for them. In Jesus name. Amen.

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