November 10, 2020

Fear The Lord - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brother and Sister, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God   has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book  of    Psalms 103:13 “ Like as a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him.”

My Dear  Brother and Sister,  we see  from the above  passage that God blesses those who fear Him.   To those who truly reverence His holy name, the Lord acts  as a Father to His children. And to these he pities, for in the very best of men the Lord sees much to pity, and even when they are at their best state they still need His compassion. Fathers feel for their children, especially when they are in pain, they would like to suffer in their stead, their sighs and groans cut them to the quick: thus sensitive towards us is our heavenly Father. We worship the living God, who is merciful and  compassionate.

My Dear Brother and Sister,  It is very natural for a father to show pity for his child. Likewise, it is natural for God to show pity to those children who fear Him. When you fear God any good thing can happen to you. You will secure a job or a promotion. Or you might receive the gift of a child. Or your children might get settled in life. They will get a Visa to go abroad. All your court cases will come to an end, amicably. Many of you who are reading this message is expecting a miracle to happen in your life, and for this you need the mercy of God. Once the mercy of God comes upon a person, it means all his problems have come to an end.

My Dear Brother and  Sister, to whom does God show mercy? But to those who fear Him and tremble at His word. God will take pity on those who fear and walk according to his conscience. If you need God to perform a miracle in your life,  you need the mercy of God. And to get His mercy all you need to do is to fear God. You need to implement to fear God and obey His commandments. Then God will show pity on you, your children your family, because He is a God of mercy from everlasting to everlasting, even upon your children’s children.  Mercy or grace is something shown by God to someone who doesn’t deserve it. A disqualified person, becomes qualified when God shows His mercy and compassion on you. If you think you can achieve anything by your own qualification you can never achieve it. But if you have the mercy of God, then surely you can attain what you desire in your life.  

My Dear Brother and Sister, Last year a young girl came up to me for prayer. She said, “Sir I need to pass the NEET Exam and somehow I should get a medical seat. I should become a doctor. It’s my ambition. Kindly pray for me.  ” So the Lord said to  her “You have received the mercy of God.”So surely you will secure border marks and pass the exam. Having blessed her I sent her away. Later she wrote her exams and made her own calculation and found that she had not secured the eligible score. After several  weeks I happened to meet, her in her own town when I had been for a festival meeting. She met me and said, ”Sir I don’t think I will get the seat for I have not scored the required marks to pass the exam.”  But I reassured her saying,  that what God has said, will come to pass, because He never tells lies.  He is a God who speaks by His mouth and performs by his hands.  May be you think, you are disqualified,  but God through His mercy will help you to score the needed marks and secure the seat in the Medical College. I blessed that daughter and returned home.

My Dear Brother and Sister, after few weeks she got the results.    Just as the Lord had spoken she had secured border marks and was eligible for medical seat.  Our God keeps His word, for He is not a liar. That girl and her parents were filled with joy and her trust in the Lord increased. This is  how the mercy of God works in every individual, who fears the Lord. What God has done for her will He not do for you?   May the Lord help you to fear the Lord at all times and receive His blessings.  God bless you.   

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You  for this blessed day. Thank you for teaching us through this message that we need to fear the Lord. Help us to fear God and receive His mercy. We thank you Lord for extending Your mercy even  to our children’s children. Teach us to hope in Your Mercy.

In Jesus name we pray,




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