August 8, 2024
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. The Book of Matthew, 19:26, “ But with God all things are possible.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, No one can say for themselves that they can, do all things, or say, “I can do everything, “I will be able to achieve anything. “Money will help you only to some extent. Your power and authority can help you only for a certain time. Some will say, “ Money can do ten things.” It can do only ten things. It cannot do the eleventh thing for him. There are many counts, such as eleven, twelve, thirteen and so on. ”Money will not do. Those in power and authority, can do only certain things. Cannot do all things. So with all your talents and capacity, if you think you can achieve all things in life, you will not be able to do so. You will achieve, But it will be for a particular level. So no one in this world can say that he will accomplish anything and everything in his life.
No one can create a perfect record. At a certain time your field may change and candidates may change, there are many things that could happen as a result and hence you cannot achieve a record of being the topper in everything. Then who can do everything? Who can do all things? You know that this earth was created by the omnipresent Lord who holds the earth in His hand. It is only possible with God. You also know that the earth is round. This earth is continuously rotating around the sun. But you may not see with our eyes. The Lord is all powerful. You even know that the earth is rotating round the sun. But, we don’t see where it is. We read in the scriptures that this is the power of the Lord. He who has so much power created the sun, created the stars, created the moon, created everything in the world, created man, and until today, the man created by the Lord, is still creating many things. And he is finding or discovering something new and new day by day. And how much more will the Lord do, who placed such a powerful brain in such a man. Everything is possible with God. If you say nothing has happened for me until today, and nothing good has been done so far, then you hold on to God and say, Lord You can do all things for me. All of you raise your arms, by faith and say all things are possible with my God. Seeing and hearing that word, the Lord will do a miracle for you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord if there is anything that I can do. I will not be able to do it. Without You we cannot do anything. Let all the children hold on to you and take victory. We just cannot think of a life without you. Without You we cannot think of any achievement. Without You even an atom cannot move. Therefore be with all the children, You come and stay with them. The Lord makes it possible for them to win their desired goal and help them to achieve victory in their life. Lord if there are children who are going to play in the sports, and say. “ I need to win a national award. I must win an international award.” For all those who are preparing for sports. May the Lord stand in support for them. And cause them to be great achievers. For such children who say that you can help them in this regard, Lord do something marvelous for them and release all the children from the pain of such huge debt. Lord do everything for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.