February 7, 2024

Everyone shall be blessed - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day February 7th it is a great pleasure to meet you early in the morning through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 128:1, “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord. Who walks in His ways.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have heard some say, “What for you? Well you are very fortunate.” You are so blessed. That means you are very fortunate. Your children are so blessed. They have all facilities. They have all opportunity. You have done for them. Your father is very fortunate. Because you take good care of your father. Some will say, really your children must be really fortunate, because you have acquired all the wealth and property for them. And you have settled all your children. What is the meaning of “Blessed?” One who enjoys all the blessing and are living in a well placed life is known as being “ Blessed.” All of you must live such a life. You must be blessed with both spiritual and earthly blessing. Also you should be blessed with physical blessing, with good health and strength. God wants you to be blessed with a happy and content life.

If you should live with all the good things in life. With all wealth and riches, then God has stated a condition for you to follow in this verse. You need to fear the Lord. You should walk in the fear of the Lord, in all your ways. It is not enough if you say, “I’m a God-fearing man.” But he that fears the Lord and walks in His ways. So he who fears the Lord and walks in his ways, will live a content life. Today you have all the blessings. But there is lacking in one of the blessing. The woman of Shunammite had all the blessings. The Bible says, she was a woman of honour. But if you look deeply inside of her, we come to know that she did not have a child. So there was no fulness of all her blessings. She did not have a child for many years. But God, through prophet Elisha, gave a prophecy that she would get a son and accordingly she gave birth to a son, at the appointed time next year, as Elisha had foretold. God thus blessed her and gave her fullness of blessing. God is going to bless you with that blessing and make a fulness of blessing. God is going to bless you with a good life and help you live an abundant life. God wants to bless you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord give them the grace to live a life of fear for the Lord. Let an end come to the life they had lived in former days without any fear for the Lord. Let an end come to the days where they were living a life without any fear for their own conscience and committing sin ruthlessly. Lord may they fear the Lord and their conscience, and help them to do good to many others. And as a result may they be known as Blessed and also live a blessed life on the face of this earth. I pray and bless them to live a blessed life. In case they fail to come up in the list of blessed people, then if there is a lack in any of the blessings, then I pray that all the needs be met according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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