January 1, 2024

Everlasting Joy - Bro. T. Stephen

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to thank and praise God along with you on this day, January 1st, through this daily Auspicious Word. On behalf of my family and the God’s Love Ministries I convey my warm New Year greetings. May God bless you.

The auspicious word from the Lord for today is from Isaiah 35:10, “And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

Beloved children of God the first part of the verse says, And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, And come to Zion with singing. Zion is the place where the Lord dwells. In the New Year, God expects His children to be in the presence of God. He expects that we have the good experience of walking with God. Another thing that God says here is ‘the ransomed of the Lord’, those who have been set free. If there has not been freedom in your life till now, no redemption of life, the first thing that God says is that He will redeem you this New Year. A person should receive deliverance, freedom and to accomplish anything a man should have freedom in his heart, his mind should be free, he should freely receive the opportunity to do it amongst people. The ransomed of the Lord – the first blessing for this New Year is a great salvation for your entire family from God.

Next the Lord says, ‘And come to Zion with singing.’ The past days there was so much lament, so much agony, and so many bad words spoken by your children. Henceforth there will be the sound of praise on their tongues. This is a prophecy from the Lord. Your husband may be using bad words, your son-in-law may be using bad words, daughter-in-law uses cursing words, mother-in-law uses cursing words – whoever is crying like this, the Lord has seen your tears and has brought you into the NewYear. He says their mouths will be filled with songs of rejoicing. Decide that with the praising mouth you will never curse anyone. Moreover, with this mouth that praises God, I will not back-bite anyone. God expects this transformation today. The Bible says, when Isaiah’s tongue was touched with a burning coal, he cried, “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips.” He was a man of unclean lips but was transformed into a prophet of God. Your children with unclean lips will be transformed into prophets of God. This will definitely happen in the New Year.

First Salvation, Second rejoicing lips, thirdly the Lord declares, “With everlasting joy on their heads.” Place your hand on your head and declare, “Everlasting joy will be on my head.” Everlasting joy! Everlasting joy in my head and my family! Amen. Beloved child of God everlasting joy is a joy that travels with us till the end. This year the Lord will give you everlasting joy. An important part of everlasting joy is heavenly joy. There is no sorrow or tears or gnashing of teeth in heaven. Everlasting joy is the joyful communion we have with the Lord, the joy of holding the Lord’s Hand and walking. The joy of praising God continuously. This everlasting joy will be present in your family, says the Lord. When joy comes, sorrow flees. Perhaps many sorrowful things happened in your family last year. Due to which you entered the New Year with a dejected sorrowful heart. To encourage you today the Lord says I will place everlasting joy on your heads as a crown.

How does the Lord grant this joy? In the thing which caused you sorrow, God will do a miracle and cause you to rejoice. In the recent past perhaps the loss of a job was a great sorrow, made you backslide. He will give you a better job to make you joyful again. You have been trying many times to go abroad but did not materialize, which is a great burden to you, a great sorrow, anxiety to you. Today God is transforming that sorrow into joy by doing a miracle. Your visa has been stamped. Whichever country you wanted to go; God has sanctioned it. God told Caleb, the country that your feet stepped in, I will give you and your descendants. He told that to the man of integrity Caleb. He is giving you the same word.

Don’t think in the New Year that it is enough if I and my family are happy. God is going to do many things for you. He is going to open the floodgates of heaven. Tell the Lord, “Lord keep me well, I will keep all around me well. I will keep the family well. I will keep those suffering around me well.” God will plan great things and open the floodgates for you.

Next – They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. If you are weeping saying, Lord I am going to enter this New Year with shame. According to the Blessed Word from the Lord for the New Year, they shall obtain joy and gladness, God will make you joyous and cause you to live in happiness. All you must do is one thing. Lord, I hold on to this verse, if there is any sin in me that blocks me from receiving this promise, Lord forgive me. Today on this first day, the Lord sanctifies me. The Bible says sanctify yourself today tomorrow you will receive a miracle. Tomorrow a miracle will happen. Once a sister who didn’t have a child for 20 years after marriage had come for the Anbarin Paathathi Oru naal fasting meeting. She tearfully said, we have tried many treatments, IVF, IUF etc. Everything was a failure. We spent several lakhs. Finally, the doctors said there is no chance for you to conceive naturally or artificially so decide to adopt a child. I have come heartbroken in agony to the Anbarin Paathathil Oru naal fasting meeting Brother. I asked that sister who said these words. The specialist doctors in this field, who had studied especially for artificial conception said these words. I said, only the doctor said this, not God. What is impossible with doctors, what is impossible with man is possible with God. If you believe you will see the glory of God even now. She said, I am 46 years old now. The God, who was with Sarah, is alive even today, I told her. God will do a miracle beyond your age. You must believe it. When I prayed for that sister, I asked God, make her a joyous mother of children, and cause her to live in her home happily. I bless her according to this word Psalm 17:14, Lord, Fill her belly with Your hidden treasure from heaven today. Let her be satisfied with children and save her possessions for her babies to be born. I prayed and told her to decide if you want a boy or girl and buy a dress when you go out in faith. Next year before Christmas God will cause you to carry a beautiful baby. The sister wanted a girl child, so she bought a small frock for a girl baby and went with faith. She conceived the next month and gave birth to a girl child in due time and is bringing her up as a witness to God. God says He will give you joy and gladness in this year.

Lastly the Lord says, sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Last year there were several sorrows, longing, and disappointments. Tell the Lord, I bring it all to your feet. Lord will remove your sorrow. Are you saying I am carrying a huge sack of debts and suffering greatly. Lord please help me. When you ask the Lord, there are many names for the Lord; one of them is Ebenezer which means ‘the Lord who helps.’ God will intervene and help you. He will bring you out of the sea of debts that you are languishing and drowning in. The prophet’s wife who was drowning in debts was rescued by the advice from Prophet Elisha and used the surplus to bring her children up. The same Lord who was alive in the times of Prophet Elisha is alive even today. There is only a small amount of oil, only a cloud the size of a fist, give it to God. He will bless and multiply it and repay all your loans and gather baskets full of surplus. You are going to gather the surplus in the New Year.
Be happy. Celebrate this New Year with gladness. God will work wonders!

Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless my children in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord, that Your Hand of grace is on my children. The eyes of the Lord were upon the people of Canaan from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year, likewise bless everyone who is reading this. May the Lord’s gaze be fixed upon them their business establishment, over their ministry, over their family. As you promised, let salvation be the first preference for their family. Let that salvation, redemption be yes and amen in their families. May everlasting joy be upon their heads. May joyous auspicious events happen in their families. Let the barren women become joyful mothers of children and dwell happily in their homes. Let there be wonders every day. May sorrow and sighing flee for my children suffering with debts. Lord grant them a divine deliverance and transform them into those who lend by blessing the work of their hands. This whole year let everlasting joy be upon their heads and rule my children. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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