March 31, 2023

Do not fear - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the Lord is giving you a special word to comfort and console you on this last day of this month. The auspicious word of God for you is from the book of Isaiah 54:4, “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed. Neither be disgraced.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse God encourages us with a meaningful promise. He says, “Do not fear. You will not be ashamed.” As you have come to the end of this month you must be wondering as to what the new month will bring about. Many of you are griped with fear on this last day of the month. Fear of your future or fear about the place of work, someone might be troubling you constantly. Fear regarding your children, or fear about the progress of your business, or your ministry. Some kind of fear is all the time troubling you. When you have fear, then you will not be able to pray peacefully. You cannot pray if you have fear. So God is reminding you not to fear. He says, “I am with you always. “God is saying that you need to be strong and not to have any fear about anything. God will provide all that you need. So come out of this spirit of fear.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is telling you firmly that you will not be ashamed. He says, “I will not allow you to be put to shame.” In another context the Lord says. “My people will never be put to shame. Neither will you be disgraced. I will not allow you to stoop to any person. You shall live with head lifted up.’’ So don’t be always scared that you might have to face shame. May be the behaviour of your children causes fear if they would bring shame to you. You fear if your son or daughter would bring shame to you. Don’t think much. Just hand over them to the Lord. The matter you think might cause shame, that thing you submit to the Lord. Say, “Lord you help me. You are Ebenezer my Helper. So please help me.’’ Tell the Lord what problem you go through, because he is your Father. He will listen to you. I know Lord that you will help me. You have helped so many people. Then God will help you.

What has caused you to be ashamed of? Debts will put one to shame. In case one has not got married on time it will cause them to be ashamed. When there is separation in the family then shame will shoot up. In case you do not have a child for several years it will cause shame. In case you don’t get a permanent income then you will feel ashamed. You will be like an object of shame, before others. But God is today saying that you will not be ashamed. Neither will you be disgraced. This promise is told by the God of heaven and earth. God who does not fail to keep his promise comes straight into your home and tells you that you need not be ashamed. The place where you had been put to shame, in the same place you will be exalted by God. Rachel had to go through shame. Her concubines had many children and her sister Leah had many children, all right in front of her. They were living together. But Rachel had no children. Since she was ashamed of herself for not being able to give birth to a child, daily she would plead Jacob for a child. She would quarrel with him saying, “You give me a child or I will die.” She couldn’t bear the shame. She stood in shame before her people. Then Jacob told her,” Is it not God who has closed your womb? Ask God for a child. After that she began to plead God for a child.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, so in case you don’t have a child, or anything then you ask God to bless you. Don’t fight with your husband or your mother in law or your father in law, or your children. It’s of no use. You fight with God and ask boldly what you need. God likes to see you fight with Him. You claim your right to fight with Him and ask God what you are in need of. God likes those who approach him. Since Rachel pleaded God for a child, the Bible says, that God remembered Rachel. God will remember your prayers that you offer unto Him. God remembers your requests. God in answer to her prayers blessed her with a son. And she said, God has taken away my reproach and will also grant to me another son and called her first born as Joseph. This sort of miracle is going to happen in your house also. God will remove your reproach and bless you. God will perform a miracle in that particular area where you lack something.

Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord in the place your children have been put to shame, Lord in that area, perform a miracle and exalt them. Honour them and bless them, that they may not be put to shame. Whatever has caused them shame I pray that you intervene and may they submit themselves unto the Lord. We trust in You alone Lord. Because only You can make them to walk with their head lifted up. That is why David in Psalm 3:3 says, “Lord You are a shield for me, My glory and the one who lifts up my head.” Just as David said, I also bless all the children that God would lift up their head, before others. Instead of shame I pray God bless them, with a crown of beauty and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. Bless and honour them.
In Jesus Name we pray.

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