October 3, 2023
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, October 03rd. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 12:6, “Cry out and shout O inhabitant of Zion, For great is the Holy one, of Israel in your midst.
The Holy One Of Israel is in the midst of you. The Holy One Of Israel is in the midst of your family. The Holy One Of Israel desires to be Great in the midst of your business. The Holy One Of Israel desires to be Great in the midst of your ministry. My dear children of God, the One who is within us, is greater than He that is outside. That means our Lord has many names and one among them is He is Greater. The one who is great will do only great things. But many of you have got up, are sitting and worrying over petty things. Saying there is no masala, no gas, no salt, no tamarind. Don’t worry, Remember the Lord who is big is in the midst of you. He is great and he has come to do great things in your life. “ Fear not O land, Be glad and Rejoice.” Son do not be afraid, daughter do not be afraid. God has come as a Great God in the midst of you to do great things. Just think that our God moves about the seven lamp stand. He is a God who walks on the golden streets. See how He remains or dwells in the midst of you in your hut, in your small house, or in your Bungalow, or in your palace.
God dwells as a great God in the midst of you. The Holy God of Israel is coming into your house as a great God to do great and mighty things for you. In the midst of your house, in the midst of your problems, in the midst of your debts, In the midst of your disease, in the midst of your affairs, He has come and descended upon your house. And if He descends then there will be a great transformation in your life, in your situation. God will make all things in favor of you. It will turn into a blessing. So all you need to do is to praise and worship that great God who has come inside of your house to do great things in your life. Give thanks unto the Lord and make him dwell in your house at all times. Then the curse in your family will change. Poverty will be eradicated from your house and you will become rich and wealthy. Since the Lord of riches has entered into your house then he will make you rich and wealthy.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord you said, that God, the great and Holy one of Israel in our midst. He is in the midst of our house, in the midst of our problems, in the midst of our disease, in the midst of all our needs, He has risen as a Great God, to do great and mighty things. You are a Big God, so you will clear our huge debts and make us gather the leftovers in plenty. You will change all our big diseases, Lord you who are great has come in our midst. Lord come in the midst of our big cases and You inquire the cases, and do justice for us. Lord from today help us to list out all the good things that God has done for us, Be with all the children. You who are great and know their needs, and their necessity, I pray that you will help them.
In Jesus Name we Pray.