October 9, 2023

Comforter - Bro. T. Stephen

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, October 9th, through this daily Auspicious Message. May God bless you. I trust that you are all happy in the Lord. If you are facing trials and tribulations in your life, the Lord will turn all your sorrows into joy.

Let us read Isaiah 51:3 “For the Lord will comfort Zion.” A man can offer words of comfort but cannot comfort anyone. Only God can provide comfort. Anyone can say comforting words, but it is important to comfort others. When a person receives a miracle in the thing that they lost comfort, they are comforted. Perhaps in the recent past, you have lost your comfort due to the loss of a loved one, bankruptcy, destruction, death, or humiliation. An incident that engulfs the entire family in grief. You could have lost your child and not got them back till now. A problem for the husband working abroad. Bad news could have come. The whole family is in sorrow. The child is failing continuously, and the result has come. The family is crying. Early this morning, you are thinking over many such things and crying. Your father assures you today morning, that I have come to comfort you. The Bible says He is a God of all comforts. When a man is sorrowful, God not only offers words of comfort but also provides comfort.
In the Bible, we read about Isaac, whose mother had died. He was very sorrowful after her death. Every day he was unable to be at home, so in the evening he went out to meditate in the field in the evening. The Lord saw, how long would he be in this sorrow, how long would he be without any comfort, and decided to comfort him. The Lord worked quickly in his marriage and provided him a lovely woman named Rebecca. The Bible says, Then Isaac brought his wife Rebecca into his mother Sarah’s tent, and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death. The Lord brought a celebration into the house of sorrow. For the Lord comforts.

God brings happiness into the house which was sorrowful. Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death. For the Lord comforts. In your house too, no matter what has happened God will bring joy. Once a brother called me and told me about the extreme sorrow he was in after his mother died. He did not have a child after 8 – 9 years of marriage. Under such circumstances, his mother died. He wept over the phone. When I prayed for him, the Lord said, “For the Lord comforts Zion. I am going to comfort you. Now, through my son, I will console you and later I will comfort you.” I consoled them a lot after which I comforted them with this verse. Lord, you are a God who provides comfort for your children. Allow good news to enter this house to help them overcome their sadness. As we prayed in the presence of God, He said, “Son a life has been taken out of your family, but another life will enter your family. Your wife will become a mother. On one side even though he was sorrowful over his mother’s death, this comforting Mangala Vaarthai from the Lord gave him happiness. Even though his mother’s death was heartbreaking, the Mangala Vaarthai the Lord gave through the phone gave him joy. The funeral was over. The following month, the brother called to say, “My wife’s womb, which was shut for 8 to 9 years, has now been blessed with a child.” Today that beautiful baby boy given by God is 4 to 5 years old residing in Villupuram and studying well. What a good God! The God of all comforts will comfort you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless my children in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh God of all comfort, early this morning you have given this Mangala Vaarthai to your children, “For the Lord comforts Zion.” Thank you that you have started comforting them. In whichever circumstance my children have lost their comfort, in that situation perform a supernatural miracle and comfort them. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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