November 19, 2020


I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that   God   has   given  for  you  today  is  from the book  of  Isaiah 65:21,  “ They shall build houses, And inhabit them.  They shall plant vineyards, and eat their fruits.”

Today the Lord has blessed these words through this message for your family. The vineyard represents families. In the Bible, we read that the vineyard of the Lord of hosts, is the house of Israel, The men of Judah are His pleasant, plants which means our families look like a vineyard, before the Lord. 

Now a days, we see that families that started in the Holy Matrimony are being shattered to pieces. Families must be built and not be broken. When a family breaks the father lives in one place the mother in another place and children are left in the care of their grandparents and some stay in the hostels. Parents have failed to show love and care for their children and hence they are forced to stay elsewhere. Such children do not grow as normal, healthy children as the separation of parents causes much injury and pain to them psychologically. 

There are many broken   families reading this message God says, to such families, that   like gathering the broken pieces of the ship, the Lord will gather your family together, and unite you as one flesh. He will be a strong support to the house of Israel. For it pleases the Lord to bless Israel. Like birds hovering over the Lord will defend your family and passing over your family He will preserve you. And what God has gathered and built together no man can destroy or demolish your family or house. That is why God gives a suitable partner to support each other. He desires to gather people together. In case any of you have been the cause for separation then make a call and set right things in your family. Don’t hoard bitterness in your heart, but be gentle and submissive. After all it is your husband or your own wife. Don’t give room for the third person to enter into your family lives. 

God is very much interested in bringing about unity in the family. God never likes separation. When you are left alone there will be no one to lift you up. But when you are together then, no one can destroy your family. The Bible says, two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour.  When left alone you are tempted to commit sin, and even get the idea of committing suicide. It is said, “An idol mind is a devil’s work shop”. Never give room for misunderstanding or suspicion between your spouses. Never give room for arguments. Never try to live alone and think you can manage everything   by yourself.  That is why God says, It is not good for man to be alone for loneliness ruins your life. Always be together. Learn to live in harmony. Be happy with each other especially with your children then your family will be like a heaven on earth. Make Jesus the centre of your family.  With Jesus a Family is a happy, happy home. God bless you. 

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord, for the message on Family Blessing. Thank you for telling us how to live as a family.  Teach us to adjust and live together. Help us not to be a stumbling block to our children’s welfare, joy and peace. Let there be no misunderstanding   between the spouses. Give us clear mind about them. Teach us to trust each other. Make us to live a victorious family life. 

In Jesus name we pray,


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