July 25, 2022

CALLED BY NAME - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is taken   from the  book  of  Isaiah 45:3, ‘I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who call  you by your name’.

He is a God who calls you by your name. If anyone who calls us by name, we will not neglect them. We will turn back and see who that person is. They may call us to give us some information to alert us. Today, the Lord is calling you by your name. He is telling you that He is the Lord your God, who is calling   you by name. One day the Lord called the little boy Samuel by his name, Samuel, Samuel! Initially the boy did not know that it was the Lord who called him. He went and told Eli, the High priest that someone called him by his name in his sleep. The High priest knew who had called the little boy, So he told the little boy that if someone called him   the next time, he should say, “‘Lord, here I am’.

Our God calls us by our name. The Lord will talk about things not only to alert us but also to alert others. One day the Lord called Moses and gave him the responsibility, power and anointing to deliver the people of Isarel from Egypt. The people  were eventually delivered. If the Lord calls, you then  something  good will happen. One day the Lord called Abraham and promised him that He will be his shield and great strength. When Abraham was concerned that he was childless and had no one to carry out his inheritance. The Lord called him outside and told him to count the stars and promised that his inheritance would be so many like the stars. What we should understand from this is that when the Lord calls you by name, something good is going to happen or Lord is going to deliver and protect you from some disaster. Today, the Lord has called you by name. Listen to the Lord   calling   your name, with your ears of faith. You will be protected. You will receive many miracles. 

Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! For You are the Lord who called Your Children by their  names  and gave them a breakthrough. Even today, from Your  word, You have given an assurance that You are the God who calls us by name. Call your children by their name and give them the good and perfect gift they need and cause them to shine in their lives. From today, let them prosper in all things. When you call them by name, let them know that   You are calling them to grant them their needs. Grant them all that  they need and bless them.

In Jesus Name we pray.


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