April 14, 2023


My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day April 14th through this daily auspicious word program. It’s a special day of happiness for all of us. It’s Tamil New Year’s Day. In the Tamil calendar, this is the first day of the first month. We anticipate many new things in New Year.

On this day, God makes a covenant with us. Exodus 34:10 “And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant……For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.” At the beginning of the verse it says Behold, I make a covenant. At the end, it says for it is an awesome thing that I will do with you. As we enter this Tamil New Year, the Lord is going to be with you and do an awesome thing!

The previous year whatever you planned to do, you lost, went through difficulties, got stuck in debts. This year say to the Lord that I will not fight in my flesh. Let not my will happen in my life but I surrender my life into Your hands. Let Your will happen in my life . Today that should be your prayer. Then the Lord says, for what I am going to do with you is awe-inspiring. In an English version it says, “I will do terrible things.” So, a terrific progress, an awesome increase, an amazing growth, a staggering victory, a remarkable prominence God will grant you from today.

In the same place where you hung your head in shame; God will glorify your name in this New Year. Past year you were neck deep in debts. But this year you will receive great wealth. Previously you would have faced failures, but now God will give you a staggering victory. In the past perilous pestilence afflicted you to the point of death, but after today you will have an excellent health. So, stay in faith. God has declared that He is with you, and He will accomplish everything. And He will do an awesome thing. Cling to this verse and pray every day. God will do mighty things.

Dear Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I bless my children. Every disappointment, failures, shocking debt, and dreadful disease in my children’s lives should be removed. And exactly opposite to that a staggering victory, bountiful blessings, remarkable prominence, terrific progress, and awesome benefits should come upon their lives. Thank You for this promise You have given them. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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