June 27, 2019
My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of, Genesis 24:63. “And Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the evening. And he lifted his eyes. And looked at Rebekah who dismounted from her camel. Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent and Rebekah became his wife.“
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, some of you are crying because even though you are ready for marriage, no proposals, are coming your way. Your outcry is being heard by God. Behold God is sending an angel today to bring in the right partner in your life. In future, there should be no crying or weeping regarding your marriage, in life. God will bring in a good, suitable, god fearing partner for you.
The Bible says, To everything, there is a season. A time for every purpose under the heaven. God has made everything beautiful in its time. For there is nothing better for a man than, to rejoice and to do good in his life. Therefore be cheerful and rejoice in the Lord always. As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth and given him the power to eat, of it, to receive his heritage, and rejoice in his labor. This is the gift of God.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, we see in the Bible how Abraham sent his main servant Eliezer to go to his own country and to his kindred and take his wife for his son from there. So Eliezer took ten of his master’s camels and, departed to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor. There he met Rebekah who came out with pitcher on her shoulder to meet Eliezer. She let her pitcher down and gave him a drink. She said to him “ I will draw water for your camels also.” Eliezer knew that she was the right girl for her master’s son. According to God’s guidance and wisdom, he selected Rebekah to be the wife of his master’s son. Eliezer asked Laban the brother of Rebekah not to hinder him from taking her to his master’s house. So Laban blessed Rebekah and sent her away to her husband’s house. And one day when Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the evening he lifted up his eyes. And looked at Rebekah who dismounted from her camel. Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent and Rebekah became his wife.“God’s plan was fulfilled in the life of Isaac. His sorrow over the death of his mother was changed to joy.
My Dear brothers and Sisters , In the same way the Lord will open the marriage, door for those of you who are yet to be married. Therefore cast your burden upon the Lord for He cares for you. Remember that all things are possible to them that believe on His name. For nothing is impossible with God. Surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you, Lord, for revealing to us from the word of God how to secure a life partner through the example of Isaac and Rebekah. We pray that You will provide the right partner into our lives. Teach us to wait upon You O Lord and not be hasty in making the decision. Bless us Lord with God-fearing partners.
In Jesus name we pray.