April 27, 2023

Believe In The Lord - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word of God for you is taken from the book of Matthew 21:22, “ If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The word of God says, If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Many people pray, but they don’t receive an answer to their prayers, because they do not believe that God will answer their prayers. Many of you pray, not really believing that you will receive. You think well , “I shall just try whether God will answer or not.’’ You are sending your application for prayer to the Lord. Very few pray sincerely. There is another group that does not pray. Some are there who pray doubting whether God would answer or not. They are not sure if God would answer their prayer. Very few truly believe that God will answer their prayers and so they offer their prayers. Only they will receive the answer. God says, When you pray ,you believe that you will receive, Then God will answer your prayers. And you will surely receive an answer to your prayers. Supposing a young man comes to me for prayer regarding his life partner. I would hold his shoulder and imagine as if his would be bride will stand on the other side of me. And then I would request, God to provide a suitable partner for him. We should believe that God will surely answer our prayers, according to the word which says, God who gives life to the dead, and considers those things which do not exist as though they did. 

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If you pray believing, then God who knows your mind will do for you, that which is impossible. He will create for you what really does not exist. I am praying in this formula. Many say, why or how all things happen when Brother prays? This is a mystery to them. When Brother prays, he believes that God will answer, and he applies this formula. I will thank God for each and every thing. Therefore all things happen when I pray. Some will say, they have no children and when I pray, “ I will say, I see in the spirit that she is a fully pregnant woman, and I praise you for that Lord.” And hence the Lord causes the woman to be pregnant. It is my faith that she would soon become pregnant. So by faith I would see that sister, who has not given birth to children, as if she is fully pregnant. I have heard many sisters who have said, that the prophesy from me has come to pass in their life. The word which I utter for them comes to pass in their lives. This is my prayer for them and what I pray happens in their lives. This is what I think in my mind, So this is the way you should pray. That Is why God has written this formula in the word of God. Therefore from today you also start to pray with faith. Believe that God will answer your prayers. Always thank the Lord for blessing you. Then God will do great things in your life. 

Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord help the children to get out of their unfaithfulness and be faithful . I pray for this cause. May they learn to pray with faith believing that the Lord will answer their prayers. The reason for their prayer not being answered is all because of their faithlessness and because of their impurity in life. The word of God clearly says, that it is sin that separates man from God. So I pray that they will repent of their sins and return to God. May they learn to pray with faith. And be holy in life for their prayer to be answered. Lord may they receive supernatural miracles ,which they never ever had in their life. Lord I thank you for giving them counseling in their spiritual life and blessing them. You have said, “Today you shall sanctify yourself, and tomorrow you shall see the wonders of God.” As per this promise, I pray that you will sanctify them and cause them to see wonders in life, in which ever area they need miracles. Help them to see through their eyes of faith, many miracles in their life in the coming days.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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