August 21, 2019

Be Strong - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of John 16:33,  “These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we come to understand that this is the conclusion of our Lord’s sermon to His disciples. Just before he was going to depart from them He cautioned his disciples about his persecutions and afflictions, and that they should endure for His sake and the blessings both of grace and glory they should enjoy. He told them that once He departs from them they would go through much tribulation. And went on to say, that there would not be permanent peace that could be enjoyed in this world. And He confirmed   that they could obtain real peace only through Him.

 My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God, encourages us that we will have tribulation in this world but we should be of good cheer because our God has overcome the world. Therefore He assures us that He will be with us while we go through tribulations. He will give us the power and strength to overcome the problems of this world. While Jesus lived in this world, He always went about with His disciples. But the time came when Jesus tells the disciples about his departure.  He loved His disciples the most but now he was about to leave them to be crucified by the Roman soldiers. Before going He cautions them about his death, burial and resurrection. So He warns them not to be discouraged after He leaves them but to be bold and of good cheer. In case He had failed to tell them about all that He had to experience, then they would be in great despair and many questions and doubts would have risen in their minds. In order to avoid all this confusion Jesus told them about all that He had to go through.

My Dear brothers and Sisters, Now through this message God is speaking to you, as to how you need to manage your family. Before you could experience any untoward happenings, God wants to warn you, of the oncoming danger in order to make you strong.  God wants to give a revelation of the happenings in your family.  God is counseling you and comforting you to be strong and bold in the Lord to face the challenges of life in this world. Not to fear, or to lose hope, or to be discouraged but to be strong and courageous.  May the Lord help you to be strong in Him.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we are thankful for cautioning us about the oncoming danger in our family. Help us to realize about the future happenings in our life. Teach us to be alert and watchful in all that we do. May we be strong and be of good courage and stand fast in our faith. In Jesus name we pray.


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