July 16, 2024

Be Strong And Courageous - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 16th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Take with me from the book of 1 Chronicles 22:13, It says, “Be strong and of good courage. Do not fear nor be dismayed.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God looks at you this morning and says, You are bold and courageous. Lord. This means that you have some fear, You have lost your courage, And are very timid and cowardly. None of the children of God should be a coward. You should be bold like the Lion. The boldness that was found in Jesus, that boldness. Today I pray and bless you to have such character. If you grow weary in your mind and heart, Then you will not be able to do anything. You must make yourself bold and courageous. That day, that is what happened in the life of David. While David was encamped with the Philistine army for an attack on the Kingdom of Israel, Ziklag was raided by Amalekites; the Amalekites burnt the town, and captured its population without killing them. So His wife, children, and all his belongings were carried away by the enemy.Therefore David was very upset when he returned home to find his wife and children missing.

The Bible says that David strengthened himself in the Lord. That means he gained courage and boldness from the Lord. If you have lost your courage then you would have incurred great loss. Only during times of trouble and problems we should be more bold and courageous. You should be calm and at the same time, slow and very thoughtful. If you see in Zig lag 599 people lost their hope. They thought they would never be able to get back their wives and children and their belongings. But David, himself strengthened himself in the Lord. He asked God whether he could follow the troop. And whether, he will be able to overcome them, and will we be able to get back all that we have lost to the Amalekites.” Then God replied to him, “You follow the troop, and you will get back all that you have lost.”

Since he was very brave he boldly followed the troop, with his men. He therefore boldly trampled down all the Thieves of the Amalekites group and he saved 600 families from the hands of the enemies and returned home victoriously. So you see how he managed everything because he had calmness of mind and was courageous. He regained everything he had lost.So today if you have lost something big, then it is because you have lost your courage. You have been very timid. So you have lost. And you are still losing. Why, because we have given up our hope and courage. We are afraid. We are afraid and therefore we hesitate to look at the face of man. As long as the debt is small, we will continue to face the problem, But if the debt is more, you feel all the more scared to face the creditor. Then you hide yourself.

So you begin to avoid seeing others. When you hide yourself, then you will all the more lose your blessings.You need to deal boldly all the affairs that you need to handle and boldly face the challenges that confront you, to boldly do your business, to do your ministry boldly, and boldly overcome the wars in your life. God will give you the favor to handle all things wisely and boldly. So, from today I pray that each one of you will be bold and courageous to face all your problems.What will boldness do for you? It will help you to get back all that you have lost. And God will do great things in your life.

PRAYER. Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, you have given good counseling to your children by saying, “ Be bold and courageous.” Lord let them come out of their weakness, their weariness, and mental strain and also from depression, and give them the spirit of boldness. Thank you Lord for granting them good spirit. Thank You and thank you. Give them divine health. Just as David strengthened himself in the Lord and because You strengthened him, and gave him the spirit of boldness he was able to get back all that he had lost in his life. You showed him favor. Even today, Whatever they have lost because of fear, or because of ignorance, or if they have lost because of cowardness, help them with a double portion of blessing, and honor them. Whoever is scaring them, or threatening them or frightening them, in front of them may your children, boldly rise and shine before them. And may they win victory bravely before such people. I pray the Lord does favor for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen.

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