June 29, 2022

Be Strong - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today  is  from  the  book  of   Deuteronomy 31:6,  “ Be  strong and of good courage.”

Isn’t the Lord encouraging you  through this verse? The Lord is telling you to be courageous enough and not to lose heart, but to be bold. Today, if the Lord is telling you this, it means you have lost hope in something. You are frightened about something. You might have lost courage, but the Lord is telling you to be strong and courageous. There must be strength in your spirit. Our strength must be in our spirit more than the body. Only if there is strength in the spirit, the body will work. However, strong your body may be,   if your spirit does not cooperate, you will not be able to do anything. The Lord did not tell you to have   a strong body. He is telling you to be courageous in your spirit. You must have hope and not worry about anything. The devil will do many things to dishearten you. But you must be strong and courageous. 

There   is a beautiful verse in the Bible that speaks about Jesus Himself, saying, that ‘The child grew and was strengthened in the spirit, filled with grace and grew in wisdom, He grew up in favour with God and men.” You too   must be strengthened in the spirit. It means that if your inner man is strong, even if his outer body is weak, the inner being will be strong. Only then you can achieve great things in life.  There should be no fear. If you are afraid, then you would not be able to do anything successfully. The devil will try to bring fear. If he instils fear, then fear will cause that person to change the actions. That is why the Lord has told, Be strong and courageous. Keep your mind always strong, with faith and hope, then the devil cannot deceive you. If strength and courage come together, you will able to perform supernatural works too. You will have the strength to do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Do you know why many are depressed? It’s because they grow weary. It’s because they have lost faith. When they face some disappointment, they become depressed. They lose hope. They need faith. The devil leads to make coward decisions. You must never make coward decisions. That is why according to this word, do everything,  by  being strong and courageous. Then the Lord will do great things for you. Even if you have lost  hope, until today, take the next step in faith. Have you failed? Take the next step. Have you lost?  Take the next step. Were you put to shame anywhere? Do not worry, you will be honoured in the same place where you were put to shame.   You can accomplish all great things with the Lord’s help. From today, all   those of you reading this message will become achievers in life.

Prayer:  Loving Lord, we thank you! Give new strength to all those children who are weak. Bless them to be strong and courageous. And those who are physically weak, give them renewed strength in their bodies. Let not anyone lose hope, but be courageous. Let the Holy Spirit always keep them strong in heart.  Victory comes from the Lord. Bless them to be victorious.

In Jesus Name we pray,


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