April 23, 2022

Be Still And Know. - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The blessed word for today is from the book of Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”

My dear children of God, you would have faced a problem for a very long time and you had struggled a lot.  You would have made many battles so far but nothing has favored you. Now the Lord is saying to you that “You just have to submit all that you are battling with.  Submit them all to Me and I will take care of them. All you got to do is to sit still and know that I am God.  You need not battle anymore. For I the Lord will fight for you.’’

Many years ago, when the children of Israel left Egypt, The Red Sea stood like a challenge before them. They could not move forward, and the Egyptian army was coming behind them.    At that time, they were petrified for a moment and they could neither move forward nor go back. When they did not know what to do, Moses prayed to God and told the people, “You need not fear the Egyptians.  But be still and see what the Lord is going to do.” Do you know what happened?  The Lord commanded Moses to stretch out his rod over the Red Sea, and divide it into two. So, Moses stretched out his rod over the Red Sea, and immediately the Red Sea was divided and the waters stood like walls on either side. The people of Israel went forward on dry ground, and behind them, the Egyptian army came chasing them.  And just as Moses had said, “You be still and the Lord will battle for you.” Moses told them to be still. Now the Presence of the Lord which went before them now came behind them and stood in between the Israelites and the Egyptian army.  So that they will not be attacked or destroyed completely, by the army.

 The God of Israel fought for the Israelites.  The Israelites did not fight, they just kept walking. The Lord told them, “You keep going, I will block them so that they cannot come beyond this.” Once all the Israelites reached the other side of the shore safely. The Lord closed the Red Sea. The entire army was destroyed. Today this is going to happen in your life also. You have struggled all these days, but you were not able to overcome it. You tried all your best to battle. But you couldn’t do anything about it. So now, you submit at the feet of the Lord all that you couldn’t overcome. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. When we’re still, we can remember God’s flawless record of faithfulness. Psalm 46:8 says “Come and see what the Lord has done.” My dear Children of God, put your trust in the Lord your God. He will finish all the matters and will establish you in peace.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, You said, “Be still and know that I am God”. Help my children to know that You are God. We submit their problems in which they are struggling and are not able to finish. Deliver them from such problems. Keep them away from struggles and opposition. Let no enemies trouble them in the future. We thank you for opening new doors from whom they had faced opposition in the past.  Keep them cheerful and happy all the days of their life.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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