July 26, 2020

Be prosperous. - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Matthew 10:30,31, “But the very hairs of your head, are all numbered. So do not fear, you are of more value than many sparrows.”

From the above context we understand that   God knows all your needs and He cares for you more than anyone else. He says the very hairs of your head are all numbered. You may not know the number of hair that falls from your head each day but He knows. So how can God not know all that is happening in your life.  For you are of more value, than   many   sparrows. Nothing will happen in your life without the knowledge of God. He has engraved you in the palm of His hands and your walls are ever before Him.

During times of testing and tribulation you should submit your problems in the hands of the God, and trust that He will solve all your problems at His appointed time. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think or pray. The Lord upholds all who fall, and to all who call upon Him in truth. 

Many of you who are reading this message are worried, that you are unable to prosper in your life. You are in distress because you are struck with poverty and poor state of life. You seem to think, “’when will God lift your position in life.” Yes Jacob too was in a similar state of life before he went to his uncle’s place. But God was with him and so he prospered. Is God there in your life? This is more important than having anything else in your life.  The Bible says, “For what profit is it to a man, if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” The Bible further says, “Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”

I remember while I was working, friends used to ask me if there was a space in between my fingers. And not finding a space between my fingers, they would say that I will save much money as there is no space in between my fingers. There was such a belief, that if you have a space then you would be   a spend thrift and will hardly save any money.  Whether there was  a space  in  between my fingers are not,  God was  and is  with Me. God being with me is more important than having anything else, in my life. For everything, will one day pass away, but He is eternal. He says, “Lo  I am  with you always even to the end of the age.”This is God’s promise.  He will preserve your going out and your coming in. He is more concerned about you.   So don’t worry if there is a in between  your fingers. You got to worry  only  if God is not with you. 

Make an effort to draw Him close to you.  Because God was with Jacob He made him a wealthy man and prospered his life.  He even made him to have partnership with his uncle in his business.  He started his career   with a small beginning,  but his latter life increased abundantly. God not only blessed him but also his father Isaac.  Many men  of God were blessed because,  God was with them. Abraham, Joseph and Mordecai, and even Job. Therefore if God is with you, then you will surely prosper. This is the secret of becoming prosperous. 

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord,  for teaching us the secret to become prosperous. Help us to draw close to God. May we possess Him in our lives, so that we may be successful in all that we do. Make us efficient and skilled in our work. Give us the wisdom and knowledge to deal well with our boss. Fulfil the desires of our heart. 

In Jesus name we pray. 


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