March 22, 2019
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Ruth 3: 10, “Blessed are you of the Lord, my daughter, For you have shown more kindness at the end than at the beginning, in that you did not go after, young men whether poor or rich. “
My dear Brothers and Sisters, Today the Lord is going to give you a new life altogether. You must have endured many struggles in your in-law’s house. You feel that you cannot manage any further in your in-law’s house and you are making an effort to flee away from your husband and his family just for petty and silly problems. But Ruth endured very patiently. She bore the struggles in life as a young widow with Naomi her mother in law. And since Ruth endured the struggles patiently and decided to serve the living God and sacrificed her youthful life for the cause of Naomi her mother in law, God looked at her miserable life and thus exalted her.
Boaz appreciates Ruth as she did not go after rich young men instead she sought Boaz for her refuge. Hence He promised to do anything for her. Boaz calls her “Blessed are you of the Lord my daughter.”Even though Ruth was a young Moabites woman, a forsaken widow, he did not despise her or underestimate her in any way instead he called her “ Blessed daughter.” As soon as he returned from Bethlehem, he inquired about Ruth and learned that she was a widow from Moabite. Boaz actually represented God himself. He said that he will do anything for her. He took measures to ensure that he gave chance to the nearest kinsmen of Naomi to marry Ruth if he was capable of buying the field. But the near kinsmen said, “I cannot redeem it myself.” So he took off his sandal and gave it to the other. As it was the custom of those days. Though Boaz, was rich and wealthy he was concerned about his workers. He also gave instructions to his workers to let some grains fall from the bundles purposely for her. He advised Ruth as to how she ought to behave while at work in the fields. He tried to protect her from other field’s men. When the nearest kinsmen refused to marry Ruth, Boaz bought all that was Elimelech’s. And all that was Chileans. And Mahlon from the hand of Naomi. And he came forward to marry Ruth and she brought forth Obed who became the restorer of life. Thus we see the good nature of Boaz. And the Lord blessed both Boaz and Ruth in their latter days.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God has a plan and purpose for you too. If you inherit the qualities of Boaz and Ruth the Lord will exalt you as He exalted them. The Bible says, “With the merciful, You will show yourself merciful. With the pure, you will show yourself pure. “We need to be merciful to others. And do justice to the poor. He is a God who saves the humble people. The Bible says “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore, I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he knows My name.” When we know His name the Lord will surely magnify us.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank you for Boaz and Ruth who found mercy in the sight of God. Through these characters help us to learn the importance of being humble and righteous. Teach us to inherit good nature from God. In Jesus name, we pray.