January 27, 2022

Angel Gabriel Comforted Daniel. - Bro. T. Stephen

My  dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book  of   Daniel 10:19 “And he said, ‘O man greatly beloved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.’ And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, ‘Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”

My Dear Brother And Sister, from the above context we learn that the angel Gabriel spoke to Daniel addressing him as “Greatly Beloved.” Peace be unto thee; all prosperity of body and soul; inward peace of mind, a freedom from all hurry of thought, and commotion of the passions, and eternal peace and joy in the world to come: The Angel told Daniel not to fear, as He is the Beloved of the Lord.  Not to fear men or devils. The Angel encouraged Daniel in his times of trial to be strong, “; Yea, be strong;  take heart, pull up the spirits, be of good courage, be strong in the Lord,  and in his grace, and fear nothing: “ and Daniel says, “ When the Angel  had spoken unto me, I was strengthened: divine power going along with his word; the prophet found his bodily strength renewed, his spirits revived, his heart cheerful, and his soul comforted, and all fear and dread removed from him; which was owing to the energy of divine grace; for otherwise not only men, but angels too, would speak in vain:

Daniel,  having been strengthened, by the Angel, asked Him to continue speaking. for the Angel had strengthened him.   Daniel was  able to bear the sight of Him, support in his presence, and hear his words, and take in what He said, which before he was unfit for; so an Angel may be an instrument of strengthening a saint,  a prophet, and  even our Lord Jesus Christ himself as man. So today, I pray earnestly that an Angel would   comfort   you as He had comforted Daniel. Dear children of God, there are many names given to our Lord Jesus Christ. “Many years ago before the birth of Jesus, Prophet Isaiah had mentioned several names in his book. And one of them was “Prince Of Peace.”That Prince of peace has come down directly to give you His peace. The Psalmist says,   The Lord gives strength to his people;   the Lord blesses his people with peace.  So you   shall receive double blessing today. Both  strength and peace.

In whichever area you have lost your peace due to financial crisis, or lack of securing a good job, or because of marital problem or because your wife has deserted you, or maybe  you are suffering from some kind of disease, or maybe you are caught up in huge debts and wondering as to how you could come out of it, God is looking at you and saying He will perform a miracle for  you  in the area where you lost your peace. God will establish peace into your heart. The Lord Jesus Christ, before his death called all His disciples and told them not to be perturbed because of His death  on the cross, but that they should remain in peace. He admonished them not to fret and fear. He said to them, “Peace I leave with you,   My peace,      I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” God is assuring the same peace to you also. So be cheerful. God Bless You.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for   this   blessed day. Dear Lord,  we thank you for sending the angel Gabriel, to comfort Daniel during his trial period. Thank You Father,  for strengthening him through the angel. We also suffer from want of peace. Please send your angels and comfort us through You word. Strengthen us and bless us with peace,  that we may live a happy and  content life.

In Jesus  Name We Pray.


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