December 1, 2023

A Star Shall Come Out of Jacob - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Dec. 1st. it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious word of God. We are happy to enter into the new month as it is the month, when Jesus was born. The days are come when all will put up stars in their houses. Some will set up crib, streamers and other decorations in their homes. We have come into the month when there is great joy and happiness in all the houses. So just as the decorations give us joy, in the same way even in our spiritual life we must decorate ourselves, and celebrate Christmas festival.

Today’s word of God is taken from the book of Numbers 24:17, “A star shall come out of Jacob. A Sceptar shall rise out of Israel. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, This is a prophetical word about the birth of Jesus. Today the Lord is looking at you and saying that a star will rise from out of your house. In certain house there will be one star. In some there will be more than one stars. These are symbols to indicate to others the birth of Jesus. Above all we see in the verse which says, A star shall come out of Jacob. Some will say like this. “My son should become a great star in this field. Or shine in this field. So in your house, the child who is rather weak and backward, will become a star. God will make that child a star. In which family they say that they don’t have a child, in this festival season, while you are celebrating the birth of Jesus God will open your womb and make you to give birth to a child, a star will come forth from your womb. Say, Lord I Thank you for giving me a child who is going to be a great star in the days to come, place your hand upon your womb, and pray and thank the Lord. In case your children are bringing bad name and you may be thinking that this child would not do well in life. You may have condemned that particular child. Saying useless, he is a waste, but that child will become the star in your house.You think, It is useless to spend much money on this child. It is useless to spend lakhs of rupees on this child. God is selecting such child to become the star in your family. God will make them to shine in that field in which they study or work. Not only that the verse says, a Scepter shall rise out of Israel. It Indicates that a King will come to you. It depicts the birth of Jesus Christ.

Zechariah 9:9 says, “ Greatly rejoice O daughter of Zion, Shout o daughter of Jerusalem. Behold your king is coming to you. He is just and having salvation. Lowly and riding on a donkey. A colt the foal of a donkey.” It says, He is a redeemer. It speaks about the birth of the Jesus. He comes as a King who will rule the nation with justice. He is coming to you as a king. May be until today in your house all those who never got justice will receive justice. Because the king with a scepter is coming to rule and grant justice to you. There is no justice in the place of your work each one has their own justice. For such people who say like this, God will come down as a king with his scepter and bring justice to you. and Some might say, I did no wrong but I have been punished. There is no one to fight for me. There is no one to speak out the truth on my side. God will do great things in your life. There will be many stars in your family, and God will rise all your children to become stars that shine.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message, in the name of Jesus. You have said, that “A star shall come out of Jacob. Lord let all the children who read this message, especially those who have been going through affliction, shine like the stars in the days to come. Jesus who was born with the name of the Star of Jacob, and was a star above all the stars that shine in the sky, and let this Jesus Christ , let Him rise and come and make all the children like the stars, that shine in that particular field in which they are occupied. You said, those who are last will become the first, and those who are first will become the last, Lord bring all those children who are found backward, to come first. And you who made the stone which was rejected by all, as the corner stone, and I thank You Lord for helping them shine like the stars in their life. I thank You. Thank You Lord. Let them shine in whatever field they are working. Let them become achievers in the field they are. Help them to become topper in their life. Those who say that they did not get justice, Lord come down in their lives like the judge and do justice for them. Reunite the families that are separated during this festive season. Let them get all the blessings of the family. Let Wombs that are closed be opened. And in this season of the birth of Christ may they receive the good news of the birth and may they conceive and beget offspring and may they be honored.
In Jesus Name We pray.

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